Просмотр полной версии : To me the husband has changed, I what is it know about that he does not know, At me a status of a panic...

Lera V.K.
27.08.2004, 18:45
To me the husband has changed, I what is it know about that he does not know,
At me a status of a panic. I neznaju as to me further with it or him to live???

28.08.2004, 19:19
And without it or him, what is impossible? Here look or see, that people thinks http: // www. arbatova. ru/cgi-bin/ub2k/UltraBoard. cgi? action = Read and BID = 4 both TID = 2694 and SID = 93516

Bobrov A.E.
30.08.2004, 04:26
In the beginning try to learn or find out, that it or him not udovletvaorjaet in you. Do not hurry up to arrange "disassemblies" and do not dramatize a situation. Understand, that quite often men who change to the wives, simply hesitate to state them the pritenzii. It they Also do or make that is called " with burning ".

31.08.2004, 02:18
I do not know, what is this a site, is obviously connected with Maria Arbatovoj-the feminist. But in fact she at all doing without men, she for a place of honour of the woman in a society. At the presents feministok-perfect families and husbands which arrange them, instead of such under which it is necessary to be arranged moreover and to regret them that they change.

31.08.2004, 12:28
The DOCTOR, turns out, what if to me the husband has changed - I am guilty?! If I something do not accept also I " from constraint " shall start to change to the husband.. Oh, strongly I doubt, that he " will try to understand, that in itself does not satisfy ". I would advise to him to change, only with pleasure, can also the best will find, and will forgive or excuse it or him easier. Glavno - you in its or his change are absolutely not guilty. It is its or his mistake or error and fault or wine (also the responsibility for possible or probable dissonance) on that!

The anonym
31.08.2004, 21:28
Do not pay attention. Well, has changed, so to say, poimel sex on the party or side. It happens, unfortunately, pretty often. So our remarkable men are arranged. (and doctor Bobrov with them is solidary). And sometimes they change, because weak, instead of because at them a problem. As one my friend spoke, - I cannot every day there are ceps. Bothers. It would be desirable both saffron milk caps, and milk mushrooms... And lonely women polnym-full around. On whom it or him still to throw, if not on married. Though a piece to snatch. Here the main thing - another. Only you for yourselves should solve: it is necessary to you? In fact if it happens once, it can more and not happen. And if two it will repeat constantly. Will be to tear, suspect, be jealous to itself soul, turning in the uncertain, exhausted nervous woman. It is possible, certainly, byd constantly different, another, and to surprise the the man each time with new force. But it in that case when game costs or stands suppositories. Differently, when you like it or him. And he to you of roads.

01.09.2004, 11:16
Yes, Svetik, it is its or his mistake or error and fault or wine but if him it intelligibly to explain, it hardly will correct a situation. The approach of the doctor, you see, is more constructive.

01.09.2004, 14:42
Do not experience. But you have a stimulus kak-that to change itself, to like. Here at me for example the husband always very serious, such responsible or crucial also is not pleasant to any woman. He does not change to me because any woman does not take a great interest or is not fond in it or him. And so was always. Know as it unpleasantly? I am measured or going to get or start the lover to have even any stimulus by a life.

Lera V.K.
02.09.2004, 08:52
The doctor, thanks for support, but I neznaju that to me to find out from it or him if he has gone simply on conference with the employees, and as a result it has turned out here that. Also what to me to search in itself, those girls katorye so easily break to wives of heart and soul? To me hardly to understand it or him.
To me 23, to him 31, we together 5 years. That I to him so have quickly bothered navrjadli, in what the reason, as to me on it or him smotret-only with hatred.