Просмотр полной версии : Dock, tell or say, pozh-hundred. .chem to treat PMS (happens before monthly at women)?...

25.08.2004, 15:30
Dock, tell or say, pozh-hundred. .chem to treat PMS (happens before monthly at women)? I to myself do not find a place. Warm wine before a dream helps or assists to calm down only. I am upset iz-for everything, I become very hypochondriac, I am afraid of a deceit and t. Item I Try to not happen in public during this period whenever possible. Can eat harmless preparations, I think, restful character. Thanks!

The well-wisher
27.08.2004, 16:11
Alja! Can for some days before mesjach. poprinimat Belltaminal (restful). In anotatsii it is just specified, that it is necessary to apply at PMS.

The anonym
27.08.2004, 19:14
Glitsin. Esteem about itself.

The anonym
30.08.2004, 16:19
Harmless preparations does not happen, will get used to one, to pass to another, better meaningly work above itself be switched on positive and zanimajtes by pleasant affairs and ideas, all over again can and by force. Then will get used, do not go in cycles on unpleasant, give itself the equipment or installation. That is not present at you any PMS, on light so much really serious and incurable diseases, and you suffer vobshchem - that iz-for nonsense.

Pronin D.A.
01.09.2004, 20:16
At PMS you can independently accept complex homeopathic preparations: klimakthel, dismenorm, Edas-101, klimaksan (it is natural, something one). For selection of strictly individualized treatment internal consultation at the expert is necessary.

02.09.2004, 04:25
Dear Dock! Thanks for advice or councils!
In occasion of glitsina - I davn oego a saw, even at divorce. .tak that he already does not help or assist me.