Просмотр полной версии : Pavor

09.08.2004, 14:16
Prompt how to struggle with groundless pavor for the health. Was ill golova-already similar on an insult, heart-is time in hospital itp. Whether It is possible to leave from this independently?

10.08.2004, 17:39
I had the same. The head constantly hurted or was ill;was sick - thought all - a tumour of a brain. And then in general has undertaken the medical encyclopedia and has in the evening studied. It has appeared, that it is sick at once of everything, unfortunately because of otsutvija testicles, a tumour and an inflammation there has not found out.
In the first week of holiday has passed or has taken place prophylactic medical examination. Simply here it was passed or was took place on all doctors in Center Endohirurgii and a lithotripsy. Devil take it, as spoke Peppi the Long Stocking - " it is healthy as the cow ". Go and be checked up on all. And at once to you polegchaet.

16.08.2004, 02:23
About a hypochondria I wrote in 6-th issue " Female health " for this year. Independently to get rid difficultly, it is possible to achieve transition of a hypochondria in what or other form more likely. It would be good to you to pass or take place a psychotherapy.

16.08.2004, 21:55
And the electron version of this magazine is?:)

17.08.2004, 19:24
There is no at it or him an electron version. Since the magazine raschitan exclusively on a female audience, that, similar, edition predpologaet that papers with pictures will be quite enough...

17.08.2004, 21:31
Well here:) discrimination or chauvinism?:)

And you, the Doctor, clause or article in an electron kind exists? Or exclusively in hand-written?:)

20.08.2004, 00:38
Where that was, it is necessary to look:)

20.08.2004, 18:04
If will find, send me please:) If it, certainly, will not complicate you:)

01.09.2004, 23:42