Просмотр полной версии : nesobrannost, a disorganization, delay...

01.09.2004, 19:30
How to struggle? Whether there Are methods? What to esteem? Who has an experience of struggle?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prompt!!! At me the same problem!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here still what aspect - happens will lay down to itself the aim, and like good and the necessary purpose (to start to go in for sports, something to study or investigate, etc.), - instead of start to go to her. There is no motivation, that-whether, resoluteness...

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is a question of internal self-organizing. There are people who chronically are late. I think, what is it practically does not cure. There are, certainly, techniques (type army or prison) when for nesobrannost or delay it is necessary to pay off bitterly. But I do not think, that participants of a forum have agreed on such kind of treatment, though he the most effective.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Belojar

It is a question of internal self-organizing. There are people who chronically are late. I think, what is it practically does not cure. There are, certainly, techniques (type army or prison) when for nesobrannost or delay it is necessary to pay off bitterly. But I do not think, that participants of a forum have agreed on such kind of treatment, though he the most effective.

Yes, it is a question of internal self-organizing. But the army technique cannot be applied by the normal person in relation to itself. I when passed or took place collectings in a military part, have easily entered into a regimen, but independently it or him support or maintain for myself on a citizen could not

I hope first what is it not illness or disease, and in the second what to help or assist with the given situation to the person it is possible

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is very familiar to Me. In general I at heart the person slow even if I am late cannot force to hurry myself. To it or this I try to rise earlier or to leave so that time still remains. It is better to come and wait earlier for the person, than most to be late. I easy concern, if people are late, I understand them, itself kapusha.

The anonym of M.
01.09.2004, 19:30
To Me here advised to translate or transfer hours for 5 minutes forward. Whether I know effective it is a way. Anyway it is better than an army regimen.

Olga To.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Longer

How to struggle? Whether there Are methods? What to esteem? Who has an experience of struggle?

Pass or Take place correspondence "Distance" of club Sinton: http: // distantnik.ru/

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is necessary to start to be going to on an hour earlier.

01.09.2004, 19:30
A question good.

I yesterday was not engaged. The mood was bad, any desire to puff over simulators, even under music in a player. And today has found an excuse or a help, that time is not present, but for tomorrow all the same is planned " struggle against laziness ".

It is possible to meet with any sadomazohistom and to tell or say to him that watched or kept up you and if what not so, you beat on full that a call fast and 02 (to allocate or remove sadomazohista from you) has not managed

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Maksimoron

Pass or Take place correspondence "Distance" of club Sinton: http: // distantnik.ru/

And you have passed or have taken place? Helps or assists? And how much borrows or occupies time?

01.09.2004, 19:30
No, I esteemed books Kozlova.

Also has understood, that I am practically ideal.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Belojar

It is a question of internal self-organizing. There are people who chronically are late. I think, what is it practically does not cure.

! Unequivocally. But certainly not by means of arrangements, and by means of rigid methods.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Lanfir

! Unequivocally. But certainly not by means of arrangements, and by means of rigid methods.

And it is possible more in detail? To you such methods are known? Whether you applied them on yourselves? What by-effects?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me a method such.

Let's assume laziness to wake up or sit to me on simulators... You Take and recollect as you at school who studied also now whom became. You compare yourself to them and you to the big ass and that you in general understand in what anything in this world. And so very much hrenovo on soul or douche becomes and it is necessary to rise and do or make, that though chutochku will be compared to others... In fact everyone were in peer conditions, all was received 4-5, and who you and who by them....

Toshno becomes.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Partizanka

To Me here advised to translate or transfer hours for 5 minutes forward. Whether I know effective it is a way. Anyway it is better than an army regimen.

Effective, effective... Only then you should be translated for 10 minutes, and then on 20. You get used, that hours hurry.

Natalia N
01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report fywbnhec

At me a method such.

Let's assume laziness to wake up or sit to me on simulators... You Take and recollect as you at school who studied also now whom became. You compare yourself to them and you to the big ass and that you in general understand in what anything in this world. And so very much hrenovo on soul or douche becomes and it is necessary to rise and do or make, that though chutochku will be compared to others... In fact everyone were in peer conditions, all was received 4-5, and who you and who by them....

Toshno becomes.

In in! Here eo also there is a self-organizing..

And happens, you think, you think in what to an ass and well in any way.. Business or affairs others also are not present time for training. Or does not happen?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report LexL

Effective, effective... Only then you should be translated for 10 minutes, and then on 20. You get used, that hours hurry.

Then it is better to not have hours at all and always to think that you are late.

01.09.2004, 19:30
hm... And to try to put yourself on a place of the person to which you all time are late?

There was at me a girl-friend who well constantly was late. Once I have warned it or her, that if she will be late more, than for 15 minutes, I shall leave. And and has made. She any time poobizhalas, then like has understood, but to be late became less, minutes on 5

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Longer

How to struggle? Whether there Are methods? What to esteem? Who has an experience of struggle?

It is very complex or difficult to answer such general or common questions. First, because reasons for such status to be it is a lot of, and secondly, it is not clear in what situations it is shown nesobrannost and a carelessness.

The reasons can be very different. And physiological, for example, disturbance blood supply of a brain or overwork; and psychiatric, as display, frustration of thinking; and psychological.

Actually we forget (we supersede, as psychologists) only speak unpleasant and uninteresting things. To forget, many get or start daily logs. Sometimes they remind the list of that the person does not like, that is not interesting to him. There write down the most different things, but I never met, that somebody has written down there employment or occupations by sex.

One more psychological reason is a scornful attitude or relation to surrounding. In this case it is necessary to understand roots of this feeling.

To discuss the various reasons it is possible longly. But to understand, that particularly occurs or happens to you is better on reception at the expert.