Просмотр полной версии : In family there was an enormous problem! Help or assist advice or council!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
We have organized family hardly more 6 years ago. I at the husband was the woman first in its or his life and till now I remain unique. It has imposed very strong print on our sex attitudes or relations which have led to contention in family. The husband does not consider or count, that has the right to change to me on the party or side to raise or increase the sex experience. I had small experience till a marriage and I have more ardent temperament. That the husband can offer me in bed frankly began to not suffice me. But to be solved on change to me it is difficult - all the same it would be desirable to solve a problem by own strength. Advice or council of knowing people is urgently necessary for us how to solve such problem. Help or assist advice or council.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And unless he cannot be typed or collected experience with you. How to give pleasure to the woman and the certain woman is better nobody than you will show. Look or see cartridges, esteem erotic raskazy, discuss the imaginations more, descend or go in sex-shop - if there a pleasant saleswoman it will be very fascinating.

And to that else to learn or teach it or him? I shall repeat once again, but skill mzhuchiny should be for konkretnogj women. At the man can be more ten partnersh, but its or his technique can be too the general or common.

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report Far

We have organized family hardly more 6 years ago. I at the husband was the woman first in its or his life and till now I remain unique. It has imposed very strong print on our sex attitudes or relations which have led to contention in family. The husband does not consider or count, that has the right to change to me on the party or side to raise or increase the sex experience. I had small experience till a marriage and I have more ardent temperament. That the husband can offer me in bed frankly began to not suffice me. But to be solved on change to me it is difficult - all the same it would be desirable to solve a problem by own strength. Advice or council of knowing people is urgently necessary for us how to solve such problem. Help or assist advice or council.

And how the husband himself approaches or suits to a problem? You discussed with it or him?

Al ` shevskiy
01.09.2004, 19:30
I think, that the husband simply was frightened. You in fact speak, that to you not only that he can offer in bed. Naturally, he feels defectively, ushchemlenno. And he would like to hide this "shame" somehow. Do not dominate the superiority over sex, do not show the discontent. Pretend, that he the best lover on the Earth, that SO it is good to you with anybody was not, he the best.

Further learn or teach it or him, talk on this subject, but do or make all so, as if he you learns or teaches it, instead of you it or him

Success! Listen each other.

Ear ring
01.09.2004, 19:30
The matter is that I not only spoke, but also in all sincerity considered or counted the husband as the best lover. But the problem consists that to him is not pleasant to be sexly active, he recently began to push even more often me to what I always should be the initiator of our employment or occupations by love. And I am not always ready to such. From it or him the initiative does not act. Happens, that starts to swear strongly almost in a trifling occasion, and eventually it appears, what is it at it or him such manner to initiate sex. I do not know - unless so should be... I always considered or counted employment or occupations by love by display of tenderness, and it turns out from its or his words, that when he swears is a signal to that he wants sex. I do not understand... As it is possible in absolutely upset feelings, vyslushiv unflattering characteristics in the address to want sex.. It is impossible To me... We many times spoke in this occasion.. Have decided to ask together advice or council other people. Really this quite normal phenomenon - when the husband swears, already ears pawns, there should be a desire of sex??? Something can with my psychology not by way of? Prompt...

And to an occasion sex-shops I can tell or say only one - the husband terribly hesitates, and I do not have not enough arguments that it or him to dissuade from validity of its or his pavors. And what legalizes change anybody from us cannot for quite clear reasons, and also considering, that magazines, clauses or articles, pictures of the pornographic maintenance or contents according to the husband are not effective, we and have deadlocked or called. Advise as to be...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Or he with you is not frank, or has put at all in sex and to dig it is necessary more deeply.

To me, certainly, to judge difficultly I do not know your attitudes or relations, but for me (if there was such situation) it would be the first zvonochek that I start to lose the husband. Probably, it or he is eaten with a life and starts to pull on searches of new adventures. You should put or apply a considerable share of efforts to surprise, interest own husband AGAIN.

First of all, search for the reason in itself!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Speak some pairs or steams finish rough quarrel in bed. But frequently it is difficult to woman to be switched. And that your husband does not wish to be the initiator of affinity does not depend in my opinion on its or his experience. Simply time has passed or has taken place it, and sex has a little bored him. At many pairs it meets, and everyone try to search for an output or exit.

It is healthy?
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hm, one my friend used to say: " Why always I? You too should! " It Should was in all. It was required to remove or take off a bandage from brains to understand, what is it naked egoism. To everything, sitting before a computer day and years have resulted or brought forty-year in unexpected effect during the most interesting moment, he zakompleksoval. To fall down all on the woman where is easier. On all attempts to talk reaction was aggressive.

It became the beginning of the extremity or end.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You should overcome all the same this side which now is at you. First, the husband should to learn overcome its or his shyness. Let will make a man's act and the shop descends or goes with you in sex, explain, that in your eyes he will look or appear the superman owing to this act.

Then overcome constraint which is in your attitudes or relations. For certain he would like something new, time old apparently prielos. Let will tell about the secret desires, and you to him will tell about the, and then execute some of them. Only do not strain it or him, and convince, that you cannot live further in any way if do not execute even its or his one sex imagination. And where one, there and two... Also be not afraid, that he will wish something such. Here will see, its or his imaginations quite vypolnimy. And in exchange he will execute yours.

Such frankness will translate or transfer your attitudes or relations on one new stage.

And here that he rows before sex - fasten. It already one of stages sado mazo. He you humiliates also it it or him raises or excites. Can try or taste other forms of this sex? Less injuring and more beautiful.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Medeya-M

... It became the beginning of the extremity or end.

Silly to add or deny something, but the girl the Medea most likely the rights.

It, the truth, not the extremity or end with the beginning. But to the past in sex - it is exact kryndets. Suetitsa it is senseless. Your husband has simply let you know in occasion of sex.

You inform, that supposedly neskoko more temperamental. I dare to assume, what is it it or him exhausts. That is projavljaetsa laziness and apathy to the role sex-machine or -car. In fact that is temperamental? Demanding elementary dolshego. It is difficult to imagine motives izmatyvatsa in so simple process. In fact the sex aura demands qualitative additional charging. And what essentially new it is possible to think up after 6 years of healthy dialogue?.. And the erection not a drain reflects a state of health of the man, skoka its or his attitude or relation to the concrete woman adjusted for current state of health. Voobshchem, cleanly emotional piece.

So to wait for changes in itself it is not necessary. Or nada smiritsa or to find bojfrenda. Both that and other decision is proved. Also it is not necessary to consider or count itself as traitress - the banal physiology.

By the way, recollecting times when ran in girls, I realize as the blessing that the destiny for a long time with my temperamental partnershami has not reduced me.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You have an experience, let not big... Try them to share with the husband...

Try to be more patient to each other...

And here I do not recognize change... In any kind...

Nata K
01.09.2004, 19:30
In your statement I have seen some problems. Your husband the weak person who does not wish to be reconciled with the position. Position most likely at job. I.e. he suppresses in itself(himself) disagreement with a management or manual or something in such spirit. Accumulation of internal aggression leads to scandals and quarrels, and the discharge on the wife (read dominance in a situation) extols its or his internal J.Posle of this small shake-up the husband it appears "is capable".

Except for it or this you come nearer to the average period of divorces or conflicts. It is known, that in home life 3, 7 and 12 years of a matrimony are considered as the basic critical periods. In ?ti the periods there is the greatest quantity or amount of divorces. Why so occurs or happens to a science it is not known.

Now about innocence of the husband. I, as NORMAL the man, can tell or say to you, that I never would tell or say (and I do not speak) to the wife about extraneous communications or connections. Perish the thought.... As learned or taught me in due time one deduganchik: " To fool around not only it is possible, but also it is necessary. But here if she about it or this learns or finds out, you, milostevyj sovereign, the villain and the rascal ". On any question of the wife on extraneous communications or connections the negative answer, and discussion of this subject (" the Darling, give we shall frankly talk on a subject of necessity of extraneous communications or connections ") me will always follow will be perceived as provocation. And certainly she at me will be liked and unique!!!!

Now about yours temperamentnosti. I think, that business not quantity or amount or periodicity, and that you feel loss of internal communication or connection at sexual affinity. I.e. quality suffers. You expect tenderness and lask, as during last times. In fact earlier he was not the bad lover? And you till this time accepted your attitudes or relations. Something was not took more recently. Recollect, what changes in a life at the husband have occured or happened for this period of time, and you will find the reason. First of all estimate or appreciate financial changes or job. In your husband simply burns " fast fire ", which vypalivaet it or him from the middle. If it is possible to eliminate or erase;remove the reason causing its or his boring or not the consent with surrounding, it will return to you the gentle and careful husband.

And still to you I shall tell or say one small secret. While I have a constant mistress or there is an opportunity on a regular basis enough podvisat " on the party or side " during these moments my wife simply goes woolgathering, being with me in bed. Only it is not necessary sanctimonious (sobstvenicheskih) the objections leaning or basing concept my and all. When I cease to pay attention to surrounding women, I automatically cease to pay attention to the wife. In fact she too the woman!!! The person (man) only cannot to like, for example, the machine or car, i.e. the same stamp, color, etc. to estimate or appreciate the superiority, comparison is necessary. Therefore the person notices and pays attention to all cars passing past, and the some people whenever possible even tries to drive. But the machine or car - same krovinochka native. And as though other machines or cars were not good, the person comes back to the . It is not necessary sarcasm and diabrotic jokes in occasion of a status of the machine or car. Hussars to be silent!!!

Too most it is observed and in other directions of human love...

And for reflection one more alegorija. If 6 years fed you macaroni. Wonderfully prepared macaroni. Under different sauces and with various other dishes. Every day macaroni.... Every day macaroni... Every day... Six years!!!! From one only mentions of macaroni personally at me the heartburn would develop... It is necessary to do or make breaks... To try or taste other dishes, to have a drink vintsa, etc.

In sex shops there is really nothing. Except for spare parts to the husband for yourself useful you will not find. If you for so much time have not learned to satisfy yourself "improvised" agents about what temperamentnosti you speak??? It is all a bluff... Allow to esteem to the blagovernomu... Success...

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think to you it is necessary to work above it or him...

01.09.2004, 19:30
About my God, really all marriages or spoilage are based or founded;established on sex!!!? Where this world slides?!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report arokh: about my God, really all marriages or spoilage are based or founded;established on sex!!!? Where this world slides?!

There also slides, in bed...

To ask where mutual understanding, respect, etc. has got to?

Where the love of the person, instead of a flesh has got to? Alas anybody now does not know... It is insulting...

In columns plays: WOW ' 99 - 06 - Deeper delirious.wma

LI 3.9.25

01.09.2004, 19:30
The world slides in bed? eh, I shall go I shall be hung up...

01.09.2004, 19:30
VicJR, it completely agree and in all senses I support or maintain!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Libertty: VicJR, it completely agree and in all senses I support or maintain!

Pleases, that even some people about it or this reflect...

Yet all is lost...

In columns plays: Linkin - Crawling

LI 3.9.25

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report Far

We have organized family hardly more 6 years ago. I at the husband was the woman first in its or his life and till now I remain unique. It has imposed very strong print on our sex attitudes or relations which have led to contention in family. The husband does not consider or count, that has the right to change to me on the party or side to raise or increase the sex experience. I had small experience till a marriage and I have more ardent temperament. That the husband can offer me in bed frankly began to not suffice me. But to be solved on change to me it is difficult - all the same it would be desirable to solve a problem by own strength. Advice or council of knowing people is urgently necessary for us how to solve such problem. Help or assist advice or council.

And here the horse-radish knows, one people shchitajut that changes strengthen marriage or spoilage, others will be strengthened on the contrary if the husband considers or counts what is it with your marriage or spoilage, means safely change, then he will understand, what you of more time provodish not with it or him and with someone and ostepenitstsa, though for a long time-whether?

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report arokh

About my God, really all marriages or spoilage are based or founded;established on sex!!!? Where this world slides?!

It agree completely!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report arokh

The world slides in bed? eh, I shall go I shall be hung up...

And here to be hung up it is not necessary! Change this world, and begin with itself!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report arokh

About my God, really all marriages or spoilage are based or founded;established on sex!!!? Where this world slides?!

It agree. Absolutely and completely

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report Far

We have organized family hardly more 6 years ago. I at the husband was the woman first in its or his life and till now I remain unique. It has imposed very strong print on our sex attitudes or relations which have led to contention in family. The husband does not consider or count, that has the right to change to me on the party or side to raise or increase the sex experience. I had small experience till a marriage and I have more ardent temperament. That the husband can offer me in bed frankly began to not suffice me. But to be solved on change to me it is difficult - all the same it would be desirable to solve a problem by own strength. Advice or council of knowing people is urgently necessary for us how to solve such problem. Help or assist advice or council.

Relax and take pleasure. Not with the husband, so with whom another... Cynically, but variants here any. By the experience I shall tell or say, that experiences from the fact of change are much less morbid, and the main thing, are less long, than experiences on the occasion of a sex dissatisfaction. And the this or it dissatisfaction ruins home life more slowly, but is more correct, than change.