Просмотр полной версии : Meaning of the life!

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01.09.2004, 19:30
I have left school, university, there is a job.... But there is more nothing for what it would be possible to live, friends it is not counted. There Is no sense in a life, was lost, has reached or achieved almost all that wanted. To build family too early... Can and is not present, but there is no glad a suitable person. Than to borrow or occupy here a question what.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Gera_in_love you are not lonely in the ... Problems. The best output or exit is sports, especially any single combats, there where to a posterypsipelas discipline. Try or taste.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Gera_in_love

I have left school, university, there is a job.... But there is more nothing for what it would be possible to live, friends it is not counted. There Is no sense in a life, was lost, has reached or achieved almost all that wanted. To build family too early... Can and is not present, but there is no glad a suitable person. Than to borrow or occupy here a question what.

Also what except for it or this there are no addictings? Such cannot be! They should be! That nibud not boring and very liked then will appear both the stimulus to live and new acquaintances! And if you will tell or say that no addictings are present, it means only that you nothing probyvala!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Gera_in_Love, what znakome a status! Half a year back at me was about the same. It at all happens, who was somehow stabilized in the life.

And has then passed or has then taken place somehow by itself. The life became sated or saturated, bright, by the way, the huge place in her is allocated or removed to sports (on this revelation me natolknul a post from netopir).

P.S. Presence/O?OO?o?N of the liked person by series does not influence meaning of the life

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me absolutely same status now, exactly in exactly. Boringly also there is nothing to borrow or occupy. Here I try or taste all successively. Club music is pleasant, has agreed and played some times in club (more alas it is impossible because of organizers). Then the Russian union of youth has entered. On parties everyone I go. Much quickly bothers. It is necessary to search new. Now just in the next search. Ehh, money more, it was possible to solve many problems of boredom.

01.09.2004, 19:30
, that there are interests, but many of them... Remain only on grane addictings... It would be desirable to receive from it or this more. I like sports, I wish to dance, but... (I can is bad searched) there are no accessible collectives. But it is possible on a place, music rescues or saves;salvages me, I simply very passive person aspiring....... Support, a leg is necessary, people behind whom it would be necessary to aspire, but my addictings at times simply are not interesting to friends.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Gera_in_love

I have left school, university, there is a job.... But there is more nothing for what it would be possible to live, friends it is not counted. There Is no sense in a life, was lost, has reached or achieved almost all that wanted. To build family too early... Can and is not present, but there is no glad a suitable person. Than to borrow or occupy here a question what.

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Often happens so, that the life at the person goes on nakatannoj to a track. Studies, because everyone study. In institute acts, because so it is accepted; because in army do not take away; because, having higher education, it is easier to search for job.

Yes, and institute choose somehow casually, not what is interesting, and is closer to the house. Then the job chosen by a principle where pay is more, and loads less Get acquainted, novels get or start, family get - because like all so do or make Because so it is accepted.

At any moment the person is surprised, why, so sadly and alone? For what I here why nobody is necessary?

And to that to be surprised, if itself did not operate or control the actions? Where current has born or has taken out - there and has born or has taken out.

To especially difficultly teenagers and young men. Natural trouble before the world; that waits ahead; before for a long time desirable, but also strashnovatoj freedom and independence. It is necessary to go, but WHO I WHERE to go, THAN to borrow or occupy These questions shout, demanding the answer, and it or him is not present. And anybody from adults (well or practically anybody) cannot help or assist them with it or this. Unfortunately, parents, in this question, unfortunately too not help. On the one hand it is connected by that many of them do not understand, what for live, and exist under the scheme or plan with which I have begun the story, with another, do not respect with the person in the young man. As a result in soul or douche the person has a sensation, that you are necessary and to live there is no need nobody. And, repeating for Volterom, many speak: ... The person to be born to live in cramps of trouble and a lethargy of boredom .

If to analyse the reasons Kulturalno it is caused by that many of us have not got used to take the responsibility for the life on themselves. From the beginning, at the serfdom, there was "barin", which clever. Here also waited, while he will arrive - he will judge. Then to him on change the correct course of a party or set has come. The party or set will order it is necessary, the Komsomol will respond - is! What here meaning of the life. He was about one at all and went down from above .

And in education of children parents, frequently, concern to the child as if he tsar and- , all is authorized to him and in what is not present refusal restrictions. Such children have all. And Nurses, both governesses, and things, and schools the best. But very few people considers, that parents in such family frequently meet desires not the child, and own: they solve, in what toys to the child to play, what things to wear, etc. Thus at the child no trouble in a life to struggle, there is nothing to search - including is not clear where to search and for itself. And besides, such child can quite fall a victim to any doubtful structure or frame

Other extreme measure - downtroddenness. When such person the world as though turns to it or him;them the "malicious" party or side - because such person who has been knocked down by parent dictatorship enters into the world, simply is not able to submit with advantage itself. Both it or him associates start to humiliate and all. Further reaction of the teenager has some variants: or it is anticipatory aggression (often named unmotivated), or isolation as protection against " the malicious world ", or a full bewilderment and a disadaptation, or inadequate attempts samoutverditsja due to others.

That modern young men at last send or have left from this vicious circle of another's senses, search for the, reflect above this question, does or makes by it or him honour for it is a parameter of mature intelligence, mature person. Certainly, the way of finding of MEANING OF THE LIFE is not covered by petals of roses and lilies, the internal conflict between desire it or him often is shown to find, aspiration to develop, to not stand on a place and pavor before realization of that would be desirable

But it is impossible to lower with top the instruction on meaning of the life or to hand over MEANING OF THE LIFE in the form of jablochka on a saucer with gold kaemochkoj. On the one hand, it will cause or call in many, I think and at you including, healthy scepticism. You simply make a fun of me. With another, such directive introduction of virtual meaning of the life hire in the series of new adherents different sects.

Victor Frankl, the well-known psychologist, the philosopher and the psychotherapist wrote: " the meaning of the life cannot be GIVEN, he is searched by the person ". It turns out, that yet you will not start this sense to search, he will not appear. If I shall suggest you to borrow or occupy, say, in knitting or to enter school where prepare ozelenitelej how much far I I shall be sent? But finding-out of that in this life you interests it can appear a first step to finding sense.

So, the decision of a problem one - most to find SENSE of the LIFE. Let being mistaken and filling shishki. Yes it is difficult, but the more pleasantly, more interestingly, the result will be more significant.

To finish I want Ingemara Bergman's words: the Life has that value with which we wish it or her to allocate in accuracy.

This subject was already discussed at us in a forum. I think, that it will be interesting to you to esteem: http: // www.forum.nedug.ru/forums/forum_65560/809279/

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Dr_Grig

... But it is impossible to lower with top the instruction on meaning of the life or to hand over MEANING OF THE LIFE in the form of jablochka on a saucer with gold kaemochkoj. On the one hand, it will cause or call in many, I think and at you including, healthy scepticism....

Sdaetsa, dear, you substitute concepts to please to the patient. Clearly, that your problem or task "to cure" a current status, instead of to set on the right path. But it is pertinent, like, confidentially. Here, at a forum, reading people, dumaitsa, searches for answers to questions.

The meaning of the life, strangely enough, is very simple and prosy. Most laconically he is expressed by a phrase: to construct the house, to plant or put a tree and to grow up the son. And all that about what all cheese-boron or -cutter, so this discussion of ways of achievement of it or this.

Your patient sobsno also informs about osvoenyh instruments which javljajutsa its or her achievement, able to lead to realization of meaning of the life on chosen to her, and more likely to the borrowed concrete way. Only delov, that nobody has found time to inform her it.

For example, not the purpose of a life - zam.generalnogo. It only the next stage, the instrument for reception of other level of maintenance of that simple purpose.

Here a way of realization, the instrument really from above to not lower. With sense all is much easier.

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report samorez

Sdaetsa, dear, you substitute concepts to please to the patient. Clearly, that your problem or task "to cure" a current status, instead of to set on the right path. But it is pertinent, like, confidentially. Here, at a forum, reading people, dumaitsa, searches for answers to questions.

The meaning of the life, strangely enough, is very simple and prosy. Most laconically he is expressed by a phrase: to construct the house, to plant or put a tree and to grow up the son. And all that about what all cheese-boron or -cutter, so this discussion of ways of achievement of it or this.

Your patient sobsno also informs about osvoenyh instruments which javljajutsa its or her achievement, able to lead to realization of meaning of the life on chosen to her, and more likely to the borrowed concrete way. Only delov, that nobody has found time to inform her it.

For example, not the purpose of a life - zam.generalnogo. It only the next stage, the instrument for reception of other level of maintenance of that simple purpose.

Here a way of realization, the instrument really from above to not lower. With sense all is much easier.

I shall not argue with you, the kindest. On my sensations is not present in our words of the contradiction.

I think, that business in different comprehension of definitions.

Also will agree, that the meaning of the life can be other, rather than construction of the house, landing or planting of a tree and education of children.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Dr_Grig

I shall not argue with you, the kindest. On my sensations is not present in our words of the contradiction. I think, that business in different comprehension of definitions.

So on mine too. Contradictions are not present precisely. The most banal and widespread situation of non-observance of a relationship of cause and effect. And it is possible to look at definitions from the different parties or sides. Looking cho from them to want. Differently not treatment, and anesthesia. You understand me. And I too very much understand you. As in an old joke:

- The father! I have received at last education and for five minutes have cured your old patient.

- The sonny so from its or her treatment you also studied as money. She means hurted or was ill;was sick knowingly...

And to argue here vashche there is nothing. Though very much hunting...

Also will agree, that the meaning of the life can be other, rather than construction of the house, landing or planting of a tree and education of children.

If it is possible, some examples. From your point of view, viditsa, that their big variety.

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report samorez:
Initial report Dr_Grig

I shall not argue with you, the kindest. On my sensations is not present in our words of the contradiction. I think, that business in different comprehension of definitions.

So on mine too. Contradictions are not present precisely. The most banal and widespread situation of non-observance of a relationship of cause and effect. And it is possible to look at definitions from the different parties or sides. Looking cho from them to want. Differently not treatment, and anesthesia. You understand me. And I too very much understand you. As in an old joke:

- The father! I have received at last education and for five minutes have cured your old patient.

- The sonny so from its or her treatment you also studied as money. She means hurted or was ill;was sick knowingly...

And to argue here vashche there is nothing. Though very much hunting...

Also will agree, that the meaning of the life can be other, rather than construction of the house, landing or planting of a tree and education of children.

If it is possible, some examples. From your point of view, viditsa, that their big variety.

While, in your words I see more desires to drive into me and something to offend, rather than desires to understand something to an essence. And it is better to do or make it not in a forum. If at you is what dibo questions personally to me - do not hesitate and set them in lichku.

And in a forum I fly is nobody it is impossible.

In columns plays: 01 - Ciribiribin

LI 3.9.25

Dr. the Minstrel
01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Dr_Grig

While, in your words I see more desires to drive into me and something to offend, rather than desires to understand something to an essence...

Well, not without arrival, razumeitsa. You express - me interestingly and I oppose. It agree, that some transition to persons, but, dumaitsa takes place, he was not so obvious what to have a conversation about exclusive development of a disputed situation. Proceeding from the image of the character declared by you I do or make a conclusion, that you enough rack to a different sort to intrigues. Forumchane witnesses, that I want razobratsa to an essence, and not just to arrange checks of your competence. Though your public activity here gives us the full basis to her pointeresovatsa. I intentionally bypass this subject. Only demonstrative statements. To me as to the person far from professional psychology, it it would be simple podelom to receive other proofs from the professional (under your statement). Yours parrirovanie my attacks as which you consider or count them, and exposure in transition to persons I can regard a current as withdrawal aside shorts of discussion, namely about meaning of the life, instead of about your competence. Though, your right to act as will find or consider necessary. On the other hand: was called as a milk mushroom - polezaj in a body. All frankly.

... If at you is what dibo questions personally to me - do not hesitate and set them in lichku...

Whether see, I, as well as many here, see sense of a forum in collective dialogue and discussion of the various points of view publicly. A way of dialogue offered by you javljaitsa, more likely dnevnikovym. Little bit other opera.

You do not consider or count really, what here on a forum people come lechitsa, instead of obshchatsa?..

Yours faithfully.


01.09.2004, 19:30
At everyone the sense

01.09.2004, 19:30
The most interesting, that two already argue with each other. Absolutely having forgotten about the person to whom advice or council is necessary...

I try to find this sense, but alas it does not turn out yet. To try everything is possible, but and to not find necessary. In fact for that what to aspire nyzhen smys receptions of the purpose. We shall admit or allow, if you go in dancing. You wish to receive good higuru, grace. What for? To like associates. What for? To be uspeshnnym. What for? And so on.. It can be continued indefinitely...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rummage in itself, for certain you will find something interesting. You can for example nkogda did not know chtou meesh to draw and here learn or find out that is remarkable draw (well it only an example) And the most correct way - fall in love...

Anna To.
01.09.2004, 19:30
To like, I and so I like. Does not help or assist. I write..... It helps or assists, but not always.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Directed by the purposes and their realization!

... And as knowledge big -VA INFORMATION!!!;-)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report _87

The most interesting, that two already argue with each other. Absolutely having forgotten about the person to whom advice or council is necessary...

The darling grazhdanochka! Time in this subject goes a market, then an idea razvivaitsa. The Another matter, that you do not study or investigate foreign opinions, and simply expect acknowledgement or confirmation of the point of view. Differently, you wait for that, as you wish to hear. We neskoko another zanimaimsja: we search for the proved answer. Can it is tiresome, but interestingly and precisely structurally: if someone really seriously searches for the answer for its or his realized acceptance it is necessary to receive enough proofs. If simply to be curious, we do not stir or prevent.

... I try to find this sense, but alas it does not turn out yet...

You most likely also do not search for it or him, and simply try on different variants to the developed outlook, the self-justification zanimaishsja.

... To try everything is possible, but and to not find necessary...

This all about the same. What means necessary? What completely would approach or suit, the developed way of life has justified? With meaning of the life such not poluchitsa. He is too concrete and simple, even is primitive. It is difficult to accept to its or his advanced and formed people. Really, whether costed so paritsa for the sake of this primitiveness? vashche costed or cost. It is possible to go on a life with different interest for itself personally. It is possible to be the simple gardener or the carpenter, and it is possible to be the selector or the architect. At them at all one meaning of the life, but a life has various filling. People - the same animals, therefore and the same sense. But the reason allows to have a good time a little on a way of its or his achievement. It is possible to live skushno, and it is possible interestingly. But in it or this about zakanchivaitsa a basic difference in ways of achievement of the general or common and simple meaning of the life. All misunderstanding on this bill only from neosoznanija a relationship of cause and effect. I am sorry for excessive boreness, but that everyone discuss that and search are ways and ways of promotion to it or him;them, instead of sense. And a subject about it.

... What for? To be uspeshnnym. What for? And so on.. It can be continued indefinitely...

It is possible certainly but why to not begin on the other hand? Nada to give birth, construct, vyrostit. It is necessary for this purpose... And so on. So it is possible to avoid excessive vanity. And it is not obligatory priblizhatsa primitive ways. It is more complex or difficult and with interest better.

Most likely this I kandidatskaja has not satisfied you.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Meaning of the life? People you about what? What meaning of the life? nazhratsja as the pig, narozhat small urodtsev and to die gdenit on surburb of city from a cirrhosis of a liver-here true meaning of the life of our today's society!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here that with people does or makes elementary disrespect to to itself.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Here I have everything, the husband, the son, is for the sake of whom to live, study, was job, like very well, but at the same time something not that....... As though to us it was not good, it will want the best, and to the best the limit and the extremity or end is not present

01.09.2004, 19:30
So, that let's be pleased to that is had

01.09.2004, 19:30
Chilli_Villi YES...... Well and business or affairs. Kill me right now better is better.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Gera_in_love

I have left school, university, there is a job.... But there is more nothing for what it would be possible to live, friends it is not counted. There Is no sense in a life, was lost, has reached or achieved almost all that wanted. To build family too early... Can and is not present, but there is no glad a suitable person. Than to borrow or occupy here a question what.

So, for the beginning...

Sports and any addictings, hobby, etc. are easier way to distract, have a good time and t.d... If certainly you do not wish to make on it or this career...

I have left school, college, was translated or transferred in academy, paralelno I work, and only on I 3-eat a course up to me doperlo, that that trade on which I now study also that where I now work - not for me...

I have found for myself sense, have found that I wish to do or make on a life... I know, what is it to me will cost very dearly or expensively, but I am ready to it or this, ready to reach or achieve it or this that it would be not necessaryl to me...

Understand as want... But this my opinion...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report VicJR

I have found for myself sense, have found that I wish to do or make on a life... I know, what is it to me will cost very dearly or expensively, but I am ready to it or this, ready to reach or achieve it or this that it would be not necessaryl to me...

And is more concrete, what is it for you.... What have you found?