
Просмотр полной версии : How to achieve molchela???

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am familiar with molchelom 4 months. All this time we sometimes communicate (we are thrown sms), but basically I begin dialogue. He very strongly is pleasant to me also I wish to be with it or him! What to do or make?

01.09.2004, 19:30
" Basically I begin dialogue " is and there is your mistake or error!

Both as the psychologist and as the girl who has gone through on the experience same, as you I shall tell or say: attitudes or relations will not be such with what YOU WISH them to see if ITSELF you will be " at a rudder "!

Yes, now speak that is not important who the first gets acquainted much... Not important, it agree! Approach or Suit the girl can the first and tell or say " Greetings! ", but to respond: " Greetings, have gone or send we shall drink some coffee! " - the guy should tell or say! Only in this case HEALTHY attitudes or relations are possible or probable! I think, you understand me!

The girl can throw only a fishing tackle and how not sadly to realize it, the further development of history depends on that is whether to like the guy "bait"

Or he will prefer something another!

Excuse, for frankness, but I am assured, you will draw correct conclusions and will turn or turn over a situation... Or she pervernyotsja how you at all did not fluidize!


01.09.2004, 19:30
It agree with. Completely.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For the beginning: it is possible to bother a little all over again with the sms-, and then to cease to write sms-, to wait up to while he nothing will write to you...

Though there is a probability, that he is simple zabudit about you, then it not that variant

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Angelspb

I am familiar with molchelom 4 months. All this time we sometimes communicate (we are thrown sms), but basically I begin dialogue. He very strongly is pleasant to me also I wish to be with it or him! What to do or make? Tell or Say to him about it or this!!! Other variants does not exist!

01.09.2004, 19:30
The Pancake... Well business or affairs...

I think, that if your feelings and desires were mutual, he for a long time already to you potkatil....

Well and if he a brake... Then drive to it or him;them the first... Tempt.... Let know about your desires... If he potderzhit your initiative... That... A flag in arms or hand... If is not present.. And a horse-radish with it or him...

And in general it is better to not pull with this business.. And that can meet another... He from that number which can do not choose, and like to be chosen... And is more often give a palm tree of superiority or championship not to that what to like, and that that is more than persistence and cunnings (sharpness) will show!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report lovelazzz

The Pancake... Well business or affairs...

I think, that if your feelings and desires were mutual, he for a long time already to you potkatil....

Well and if he a brake... Then drive to it or him;them the first... Tempt.... Let know about your desires... If he potderzhit your initiative... That... A flag in arms or hand... If is not present.. And a horse-radish with it or him...

And in general it is better to not pull with this business.. And that can meet another... He from that number which can do not choose, and like to be chosen... And is more often give a palm tree of superiority or championship not to that what to like, and that that is more than persistence and cunnings (sharpness) will show!!!

You are direct as the master of the Iodine from zvezdyh wars

Business you speak though here 4 months, and it already speaks that to him to mine to sneeze and it was necessary to twitch earlier...

01.09.2004, 19:30
YES... In polne it is possible or probable...... Though I too on rise am serious.... My former was necessary me three months to cajole.... To turn.... Heavy I refuse freedom..... The truth then as that before new year went from cafe.... potdatenkie.... Well I che that podumal it or her also suffices on a brachium and to itself(himself) home.... That's all... Then more than two years together.... The truth have all the same left....)))

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hm..... pasib all..... All are right, with all it agree.... Simply is still small proboemka.... He not the simple guy - he the cadet - because of entogo and difficulty in dialogue = (Here.....

From this 4 months, month we did not communicate, since I have ceased to write, then he has left for holiday.... Then I have again written also he have responded as-as if we and did not cease to communicate.... Then itself wrote..... And so always, it is necessary to me to tell or say to itself " it is time to hammer! " - there is he and gives chance......

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Grandmudlo

Tell or Say to him about it or this!!! Other variants does not exist!

How to tell or say that? Easier or Simply to tell or say " You to me you like? " As it not so......

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say to him...: "" / / // Yes that to speak... Approach or suit yes a kiss as follows... That to speak that!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report the Rarity

" Basically I begin dialogue " is and there is your mistake or error!

Both as the psychologist and as the girl who has gone through on the experience same, as you I shall tell or say: attitudes or relations will not be such with what YOU WISH them to see if ITSELF you will be " at a rudder "!

Yes, now speak that is not important who the first gets acquainted much... Not important, it agree! Approach or Suit the girl can the first and tell or say " Greetings! ", but to respond: " Greetings, have gone or send we shall drink some coffee! " - the guy should tell or say! Only in this case HEALTHY attitudes or relations are possible or probable! I think, you understand me!

The girl can throw only a fishing tackle and how not sadly to realize it, the further development of history depends on that is whether to like the guy "bait"

Or he will prefer something another!

Excuse, for frankness, but I am assured, you will draw correct conclusions and will turn or turn over a situation... Or she pervernyotsja how you at all did not fluidize!


Never thought what is it so. I too always the first began the dialogue, the first got or started conversations on occurrings, and tp, differently we till now a current on sms communicated.............

But time you as the psychologist............

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report lovelazzz

Tell or Say to him...: "" / / // Yes that to speak... Approach or suit yes a kiss as follows... That to speak that!!!

Tochnjak! Here I shall go to them on release, I shall approach or suit to it or him;them and a kiss....

01.09.2004, 19:30
Simply now really half molchelov considers or counts, that all depends on them and only otnih. And second half shouts about that, what is it ourselves (girl) achieved emancipation and so on.... And hto will understand as it is necessary?!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Initial report Deadly_Emptyness

Never thought what is it so. I too always the first began the dialogue, the first got or started conversations on occurrings, and tp, differently we till now a current on sms communicated.............

But time you as the psychologist............

And than such attitudes or relations on YOUR experience came to an end? Attitudes or relations were such with what you wished them to see?

I did not speak, that the girl cannot begin the first.... I that the young man should pick up "wave" which was thrown to him by the girl... If will not pick up - your attitudes or relations will flood!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report the Rarity

And than such attitudes or relations on YOUR experience came to an end? Attitudes or relations were such with what you wished them to see?

I did not speak, that the girl cannot begin the first.... I that the young man should pick up "wave" which was thrown to him by the girl... If will not pick up - your attitudes or relations will flood!

In... Quite right... If on intercepting will not go razika from the second.... (well on the first can business or affairs or still that that) that all with it or him is clear.!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
the Initial report lovelazzz

In... Quite right... If on intercepting will not go razika from the second.... (well on the first can business or affairs or still that that) that all with it or him is clear.!!!

Yes, he precisely knows, that speaks!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Itself same..... I do not like false hopes to give.. Though few times so risked... To tell the truth it was a pity then the girl.... ((((

01.09.2004, 19:30
Make the way, win. Personally it was possible to me, if wished someone to catch. By the way my former husband went for me year a shadow, punched both all and everything, but has achieved! Success! The main thing do not stop on begun.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I yesterday walked with my passion..... He has called...... But today he has left to itself(himself) for Sochi.....

Andreeva V.V.
01.09.2004, 19:30