Просмотр полной версии : How otshit the undesirable admirer?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The Subject such: As otshit the annoying admirer whom vozomnil, that you are created the friend for the friend, not chaet in you souls or douches, besides knows your home telephone number and the address and activly them uses without yours on that of the consent.

Polite methods do not help or assist - a copy extremely rested.

Demanded specifications of a situation I can give on a course of discussion

Examples otshiva a different degree of roughness from personal experience are welcomed.


01.09.2004, 19:30
At me the desire to communicate for example was gone, whether after have come to one place .i this girl having buried in phone began all to call learning or finding out in it or this they a place where also she .stala smsitsja, still take tsifrovik.fotkaj all except for it or him, and in the extremity or end to tell or say to him .chto has met the znakomyh.kotoryh did not see hundred thousand years and you with them potusish. And next day send or have come him SMSku type of thanks for perfect evening. On me has worked very well, we do not communicate also desire at me does not appear. Here so me otshili. I do not know will work or not, but popitka not pitka () tov. Berija

01.09.2004, 19:30
There is such button is called ignor... All solves, to tell as it or her to press or will guess?)

01.09.2004, 19:30
2 the girl, try to read through once again. I there have cleaned or removed one word, which so has confused you.

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is a lot of Variants, I usually took " a colloquial method " when the interlocutor should be convinced, in that that " not pair ". If tongue is suspended, probably all to unload so, and I managed to resolve any problems in the life: even if the girl because of me cut veins, after 2 hour conversations, we with her rastalis with smiles on faces...

Ways of very many people what approaches or suits more. For example declare that your heart belongs to another... Also that you "drugovo" do not discuss it or this .glavnoe do not leave to the person of chances to be with you, to communicate with you, and neostavljaj the contacts...

01.09.2004, 19:30
To pour over the face an acid and admirers as well as did not happen.

Alex T
01.09.2004, 19:30

Yes-yes-yes)))) and you know that me ulybaet most of all?))) that when admirers are not present, a forum and would teem with subjects of type " that to me to make that they have appeared??? " =)

01.09.2004, 19:30
TchK, that you will do or make =) Here such illusion is framed by modern Internet users =)