Просмотр полной версии : Have told or said, researches are necessary... But what?

01.09.2004, 19:30

Do not find or Consider my report for impudence!

If you will respond me or will recommend other link, I shall be very grateful!

Has put here in what.

We with the husband wish to make diagnostics of vocational guidance on knacks (in Peter which).

For this purpose nebhodimo to make one of three researches of a brain: 1. dopplerografija soudov, 2. elektroentsefallograma or 3. Electromagnetic scanning.

And now we can not come to a parity or ratio of the price and quality! What to choose?

It is necessary, that it was safe also a maximum informatively.

It or He had concussions, means, he needs to do or make dopplerografiju?

And what to do or make to me, how feeding mother?

To what of these researches to prefer?

Thanks in advance!

01.09.2004, 19:30
What is *quot; diagnostics of vocational guidance on knacks *quot; the science does not know. Most likely - lohotron.

Doplerografija, EEG and MRT definitions of mental faculties are used for diagnostics of DISEASES, instead of.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Hope tell please more in detail, what you wish to define or determine, at whom and for what? And also who and what for has advised you to pass or take place the given inspections? Can we of that have not understood... The matter is that any of these inspections not *quot; a?UoaNO*quot; knacks. Unfortunately.: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
If vocational guidance of the child - that this psychological inspection (testing).