Просмотр полной версии : Neurosis or depression?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Help or Assist to understand disease and treatment. My name is Kira, 33. All has begun 3 back after mors of mum (a cancer, one looked after her), the husband before was 7 in business trips (there were problems in attitudes or relations), through 3 after mors of mum divorce with the husband, section then of property. There was one with the child, without job (raschitalas, t.k.uhazhivala for mum) .podnjalas temper.do 37,5, a joint pain, tearfulness. Have established or installed the diagnosis-disturbing-depressive a syndrome. The doctor has written out stimulaton. I in a life have learned or have found out the first time, that such a panic. The preparation has not approached or suited, I have got in the ?Nn?-psychological center. Accepted amitriptyline, Truxalum. After an extract me obokrali, it became again bad. Accepted Triphtazinum, amitriptyline. From for bad samochustvija has converged with the husband (at me is not present native) .vrach has advised to come to work. Job has appeared nervous (connected with charge of the salary) .srazu it became bad-alarm, when not realized pavor longly badly began. Worked year. Still 3 laid in hospital (ridazin, amitriptyline, Truxalum) .vrach has told or said, that is not present-neurosis depression. raschitalas, two months it was tolerable, now it is again bad. Komok nervous in a throat, depression, irritability, tearfulness. I accept for the night Truxalum, amitriptyline. And week Karbamazepinum. Began to breathe hardly, a tachycardia. Can-it collateral reaction? What the pavor (what is it never longly badly again leans will end, I shall go mad) .prosba to doctors advise to live as me further, cht to do or make? If somebody has coped with such illness or disease, respond. In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether you addressed to the therapist in occasion of difficulty of respiration?

How long tachycardia or cardiopalmus (the periods - what duration, it is constant) now lasts?

The doctor of what speciality now observes you?

Whether there is in a place of your residing a doctor - the psychotherapist?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether you addressed to the therapist in occasion of difficulty of respiration?

How long tachycardia or cardiopalmus (the periods - what duration, it is constant) now lasts?

The doctor of what speciality now observes you?

Whether there is in a place of your residing a doctor - the psychotherapist?

Now 2 weeks am observed at the endocrinologist, small augmentation shch.zh. The right share and an isthmus, -4 are raised or increased 190,991 ??N/l, TTG - 0,656 ??N/l. It is increased 11 years, the tachycardia was not. She has begun at receptions of antidepressants, neuroleptics. There are tachycardias are not present week, and happens every day (I drink anaprilin) .lechus at the psychoneurologist. As you consider or count Karbamazepinum is expedient in my case, I accept it or him 10 days-pulls of a muscle of a back, hardly to breathe, a tachycardia. Put the -tightened form of a neurosis. I wish to learn or find out your opinion-it or -this;-thus curably? It was treated 4 times in the regional ?Nn?-psychological center, there doctors some kind of psychotherapists. In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
You have received my answer to your personal report?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether neuroleptics can, at long application, suppress mentality. And whether there can be from them a dependence? As soon as I stop to accept them to me there is be bad-it dependence?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dependence on neuroleptics does not arise. If you at *quot; iO?a???*quot; neuroleptics feel worse - means early to stop treatment. Effect *quot; suppression ??O??*quot; does not depend on neuroleptics. More often this display of illness or disease in occasion of which these medicines are appointed or nominated.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, please, one more question. I accept neuroleptics 2 years, practically without interruption. I change them through everyone a floor of year (Truxalum, Triphtazinum, once a saw ridazin) pereodicheski including in this scheme or plan amitriptyline. It becomes better, I reduce gradually a dose. I cease to drink, in some days deterioration samochustvija. Further tear (probably, I I wind myself) alarm, then whether pavor, whether a panic and run to the doctor. Also I start over again to accept medicines. There can be at me already psychological dependence on tablets? Though the doctor tried to give me *quot; O?OU?O*quot; (excuse, I have forgotten as it is called in medicine), have not helped or assisted, I at once feel acts on me this or that preparation. Or nevertheless I need to pick up other neuroleptic or an antidepressant? In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In reply to yours PS I wrote, that medicinal treatment in your case not absolutely successful. I shall repeat it here. One medicines to you a problem to not solve, the psychotherapy is necessary.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether it is pertinent at treatment of such disease, as at me such preparation as Karbamazepinum. In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not know. I did not see you, therefore had no opportunity precisely to be defined or determined with nuances of your status. It is better to set this question to the attending physician.