Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me 30 weeks of pregnancy, approximately since 10 weeks my husband about...

16.08.2004, 18:30
Hello! At me 30 weeks of pregnancy, approximately from 10 weeks my husband has refused to be engaged with me in traditional sex. Speaks, that does not perceive me now, as zhenshchinu-the mistress, that my vagina, yet for it or him, that eto-" a small house of the child ". Tell or say, eto-it is normal?

The anonym
19.08.2004, 01:09
Normally... Many men so react..

21.08.2004, 21:41
Hm.... My husband too as soon as the stomach or belly became swept up or became appreciable, has ceased to be engaged absolutely in sex with me. It is sad, but he spoke, that cannot... I do not know, whether it is normal, but probably, happens

25.08.2004, 01:07
Well and it is perfect! Easy bear the child, wait for it or him, let the husband tenderly strokes your tummy, talks to the future synochkom or dochenkoj, it is very good, and you will not have a danger of an abortion and other troubles.

Hazhilina I.I.
25.08.2004, 17:33
Alina! Your husband is afraid, that sex will harm development of the kid. YOU can come on a site of courses for pregnant women "ZHemchuzhinka" (find under the name) and to find there clauses or articles Pregnant sex. Let the husband esteems. And then together will make a decision. All Kind!

27.08.2004, 05:25
At me with the husband at first too sex kak-that did not go, he probably was afraid or rather afraid, then I would not like. But gde-that after 4 month of pregnancy all has risen on the places entirely up to sorts or labors and pleasures received not smaller. Simply talk to it or him, explain, that no trouble in it or this is not present, if at all of you vporjadke with pregnancy certainly.

29.08.2004, 03:34
It is in my opinion wrong. In fact pregnancy is not only vynashivanie the child, but also 9 months... Which can be lived in pleasure, love with the husband. In fact will agree, if there are no sex attitudes or relations, there is no satisfaction from home life. Especially it is not necessary to forget, that after a birth of the child any time it will be impossible to make love in general, and the child will take away a lot of time and forces. So from pregnancy it is necessary to take all on a maximum: seks-it is as much as possible, to walk and go on theatres, at cinema - it is as much as possible and. t. d
My husband my stomach or belly awfully raised or excited also ours with it or him a life during pregnancy was a continuous holiday. Even when the stomach or belly became huge and we together in books read, that last month it is better to not make love any more, t. To. It is possible to provoke labors - we could not restrain. And so up to the sorts or labors.
Certainly main is health of the future child, but an emotional spirit of future mummy and these are attitudes or relations between you - not on last place.
Therefore, if you would like, tell or say directly to him about it or this, I think, he should understand. Can kak-that support or maintain it or him, tell or say, that test in this status even greater desire. (I in this status had a brutal desire) Why he should refuse to you in that, on what you have the right.
Success to you!

31.08.2004, 02:00
Dear Alina!
I fine understand your husband BUT SEX during pregnancy - same above all pleasures!!! (not 6 dumatchto your girl "will fly"; it is not necessary to be protected; it is not necessary to think not about chem-except for pleasure from LOVE!!!!!!!!