Просмотр полной версии : s dokto! To Me 24 years, the man. Without bad habits. 5 years ago p...

29.08.2004, 04:51
s dokto! To Me 24 years, the man. Without bad habits. 5 years ago after usual physical examination, has paid attention to that fact, that at me the raised or increased temperature 36, 8 37, 4 rises during day, in the morning of temperature is not present (36, 4 - 36, 6). The last 2, 5 years very badly, chuvtyuju, the constant, delicacy, a sleepiness, a giddiness, weakness, after meal to become even worse (simply I am ready to drop), I can not do or make anything. In the mornings the tongue, a unpleasant smell from a mouth is imposed. Acyanotic, cold extremities, predobmorochnve statuses. For last 3 years the weight varied 2001 - 96, 2002 - 105, 2003 - 86 body height 187., before my weight was in district 82 86. On all body (on legs or foots, a back, breeches) extensions. Up to all it or this conducted active Orazum of a life, was engaged plavanem. Then gradually since spring of 2001, me to become worse. I feel disgustingly, such impression, kakbudto chemto has poisoned. Has addressed to the therapist - has made fljurografiju, has handed over the general or common analysis of a blood, the blood count and urine and a feces, the cardiogram of an echogram of heart in norm or rate revmoproby (otr.) - any deviations or rejections have not found, all in norm or rate. Addressed to neuropathologists - handed over analyses on a cytomegalovirus (1 : 1600) and the herpes (1 - 1 : 800, 2 group 1 : 200), did or made the tomogram of a brain (expansion subarahnoidalnogoprostrastva, a cerebral arachnoiditis in doubt). Has passed or has taken place course of treatment Zovirax (1 month) - any improvement of the general or common status. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment by NOOTROPILUM and ENELBINOM (2 months) - any improvement of the general or common status. " The CEREBRAL ARACHNOIDITIS " has addressed in institute of neurosurgery in occasion of utochnenja the diagnosis - have excluded, for the lack of characteristic signs for an arachnoiditis (otsutsvie a headache, and t. Item), Has passed or Has taken place inspection nadpochichnikov - in norm or rate. In the autumn 2002 the temperature has started to raise or increase up to 37, 7 every evening. Addressed to gatroenterologam - did or made fibrogastroskopiju (zabros biles in a stomach), handed over a blood on renal and hepatic assays (vnorme) did or made US of organs of an abdominal cavity (attributes chronic hollitsistita, and the attributes of an angiocholitis plural eksrimenty up to 2 3 in both kidneys (sand)), Would hand over analyses of a blood on gipatit and With, results negative, there has passed or there has taken place course of treatment by antibiotics - any changes in the best party or side. Addressed to endocrinologists - has passed or has taken place US of a thyroid gland (norm or rate), handed over analyses on hormones (in norm or rate). Addressed to psychiatrists and psychotherapists - an asthenic syndrome. Passed or took place course of treatment by NOZEPAMUM, antidepresantami (6 months) - any izmineny in the best party or side, psychiatrists have advised to search for the reason which has caused or called my status. Has addressed to LORu - an adenoid disease 7 months ago zdelali tozillektomiju (have removed tonsils), has passed or has taken place course of treatment by antibiotics - the temperature has a little gone down up to 37, 2 37, 4 - the general or common status neuluchshilos, has passed or has taken place course of treatment by antibiotics. Then has again addressed to neuropathologists - has passed or has taken place course of treatment NOOTROPILUM + ENELBIN 2 months any izmineny. The doctor please posovetjte to to me to address with the problems what analizv it is necessary zdat, what inspections to pass or take place. Please help or assist me.

Pronin D.A.
29.08.2004, 07:26
Address to a classical homeopathist.

The doctor
30.08.2004, 21:17
If I am not mistaken, in institute of the Immunology there is a specialized unit subfibrilliteta. To you there. As nehvataet cardiologic data, considering signs of delicacy and a giddiness. On Monday I shall return to Moscow, you can write on mine Mail karpusha@yahoo. com
P. S. You are surveyed abruptly enough, even in scientific research institute Gamalei went...