Просмотр полной версии : Hello! At me a ridiculous problem - I up to mors am afraid to treat a teeth. Stra...

28.08.2004, 13:04
Hello! At me a ridiculous problem - I up to mors am afraid to treat a teeth. The pavor such pronizyvet, that heart to beat gde-that already in a throat, arms or hand grow dumb. I vse-taki overcome myself, I have a seat in an armchair of the stomatologist and when he already starts to treat, I calm down or am abirritated. Here also has now started to treat a teeth so from "nervousness" for a day has dumped or reset three kgs. Whether It is impossible kak-nibud to get rid of this foolish pavor? I understand, that is necessary, I understand, that is obezbalivajushchie, and all the same inside all shivers.
I shall be very grateful for any advice or council.

29.08.2004, 19:03
In some clinics a teeth treat under a local narcosis (as at surgical operations). Probably it is your case, it will cost only nedeshevo.

Kiseleva E.J.
30.08.2004, 16:11
Hello, JUlja! I Shall tell from own experience though there are also psychological techniques. 1. It is necessary to find the doctor who not simply would treat a teeth, but also in any measure was your "psychologist", t. e during treatment of a teeth talked to you (distracted you from a teeth). 2. It is possible and on the contrary, all that to you I do or make to you in detail tell and show, for what, what for and why and how long and as painfully. 3. Now the odontology has left so far, that when do or make local anasteziju absolutely you feel nothing. 4. there are clinics, where to especially afraid clients suggest to look film (special glasses or spots and forward) while treat a teeth. It is possible to tell or say, that I have chosen for myself first three variants. And now the stomatologist is my liked doctor. Time in half a year on prophylaxis to avoid treatment. Successes to you and health yours zubkam!