Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say pozhalujstva in what such situation can result or bring the person: prodolzh...

25.07.2004, 20:53
Tell or Say pozhalujstva in what such situation can result or bring the person: long time for the certain reasons he spends time napr. On wives. The psychologist. Any personal contacts, correspondence with myly-on soap where open though a part, but details of private life are naturally fastened. Sometimes in by virtue of basic divergences, there is a conflict, they are compelled or forced to change niki, but "learn or find out" drug-the friend and as required insert shpilki dr. To the-friend., than get or start in delusion napr. Beginners or people not inclined to intrigues. Dalshe-it is more, the person can similar enter " into taste " and already " zhensk. The psychology " to become easier place for " psychological game " under different nikami. The stranger can be it to become in due course " on a drum or reel ". BUT what is danger to the person who has taken a great interest in this game, like and innocent? Whether it seems that there is "overload", the person can get confused, or than that is worse. I came under two nikami and often without, but I have firm sensation, what is it incorrectly.

The anonym
26.07.2004, 03:16
It is not necessary so seriously to concern to the Internet, budte is easier.

28.07.2004, 12:46
I also am easier. But observing not for fun at times played conflicts, it was asked here by the above-stated question.

Goldberg I.I.
29.07.2004, 12:54
The best for participants of such "games" - to pass in personal contact, and the rest - simply to ignore, and from time to time to remind of transition in privat:) Well the word of honour, suffers all conference, and could bring advantage or benefit. By the way, it is necessary to erase this debate:)

30.07.2004, 04:14
Whether me interested bolshe-can such razdvoennost-rastroennost (resulting or bringing the example) negatively to influence my mentality or on something or something else.

Goldberg I.I.
31.07.2004, 23:20
If you it is serious - that is not present. On mental health - is not present. And psychological well-being - can affect or influence. Also, as the situation when the person has got confused in the lie or " to game on 2 or more, front " discomposes:) In general, as to liars that in virtuale, that in real - they are always subject to a huge nervous load (that not noticing), in fact it or him it is necessary to be constant on the alert to remember to that that has told or said and to be literally as the sapper - to be mistaken it is impossible!:) Therefore in general it is more healthy to not play, and to be itself and fair - then it is not necessary to be afraid "to stumble":)

Goldberg I.I.
03.08.2004, 16:10
About lies is I not you personally I mean:), and as an example.

07.08.2004, 14:05
All is absolutely clear. Thanks.

08.08.2004, 04:30
This answer it is desirable to leave and nadolgo-this wish to a moderator.

11.08.2004, 07:35
I not time lifted a subject about nikah. But this konfa very weak, it is possible to replace per day on hundred times a mask and to you for it nothing will be. Everyone exercises the wit as can. As an opposite example I can result or bring conference jurklub, very professional. To people it is full, more than thousand, can at once you and not accept yet you will not pass or will not take place "christening". The heap of smilies and everyone ALWAYS comes ONLY under the anybody. Was, the truth, one madam who visited or attended a forum from the house and from job. IP were different, but it or her have quickly calculated on style and it is polite to ask to leave one of nikov. That she began to open has aggravated its or her position and its or her address simply blocked, that having thrown out from konfy " with the extremities or ends ". One moderators on this konfe the person 30, you will not have time to blurt out something dissonant - there and then zatirajut and do or make the prevention or warning. Here it is system! And that at us here with Vami-simply kindergarten! Visitors should force to not change others niki, the site needs to be finished. And change nikov, in my personal opinion, on mentality very much even influences. And that morazm to which we allow here krepchat-especially!!!

11.08.2004, 12:33
Well Emo you also have compared - a forum for lawyers and amateur club of female interests - there probably the finance allow to employ 30 moderators and all mouths - at us scale not that. It is necessary to suffer or bear.

15.08.2004, 12:32
Yes is not present, Paulina, business not in moderators. It is just necessary to enter elementary system of registration, and that you do not know with whom you talk, directly invisible beings any!

16.08.2004, 06:01
And it something costs or stands by way of money?

Emotion Pauline
18.08.2004, 01:58
Certainly, costs or stands. And all of us it it is understood, therefore to be indignant it is useless. And to call all to use only one anybody - uselessly. Conscience sunk in a bog....

Stirlitz at
18.08.2004, 12:11
What for to say lies in virtuale? vse-peerly nobody sees You, does not know. Scratch about itself the truth a uterus.

19.08.2004, 23:50
Certainly, if the person spends so a lot of time in virtuale at it or him does not remain to time for an own life, it pererostaet in a mania, as game in automatic devices or a casino, the Internet of game, etc.
" ZHensk. konf " for it or him it too the certain dependence. And that is why he does not wish to live in real, it already the second question?

21.08.2004, 18:50
It would be desirable to add about dialogue in virtuale. Very well, that moderately. And fair much to be easier here, than in a reality as it seems to me. Here one more of the reasons of the reference or manipulation here, for many it already " familiar faces " and vozmozhnt is easy or light to be disconnected or be switched-off at "overheat". Personally for menja-it for me as intellectual game in serez. Change nikov, but I still the beginner confuses. When in the house the order, it is good in the evenings rjadyshkom with the husband (which, by the way, itself zavis series on other), yes though also to one "to meet" the friends the Explorer, Emotion, vosmerochkoj, Monikoj, Inna-the friend has still increased, serious event. Has thrown out already from the life a couple of soap operas, blunt and far-fetched. And here with vami-it is good! .-taki it is impossible to name such dialogue by frivolous pastime. Tolko it is desirable to bypass imminent conflicts with sense of humour inherent to us and a step.

Emotion of Open Company
23.08.2004, 10:43
I too live in real a full life and she much nasyshchennej virtual. Here I come not " from there is nothing to do or make " that is why that the most actual women's issues here rise and learn or find out for myself a lot of new. And with devchyonkami here - you will not become bored or will not miss!

27.08.2004, 01:52
And I come - because I receive here - a greater or big portion of positive emotions, even in a disputed situation. But also I here had a heap of friends, and practically friends, napr. As ljusja, Inna, and me it is not indifferent as they live and than dyshut. But it is still interesting to me - where carriers or bearers old (one year ago and more) nikov, such as Umka, ZHjuli, and others have got to or share.

29.08.2004, 22:54
I think, change nikov is easy or light for understanding. Women like to change clothes, change appearance, why to not replace a name if it is not necessary to pay off for it. Besides women can progress. Yesterday's ZHjuli today feels Julia or the Anaconda (anybody personally I do not mean!). So we shall not reproach women for their imaginations, not so it is a lot of at us pleasures in a life though we shall virtually dream up. Certainly, it is more convenient to deal with constant opponents or girlfriends on a forum. I here once have promised to myself never to say lies. Also I do not say lies! Even in an Internet. It so is convenient!