Просмотр полной версии : CHto-something with me became. To me began to live hardly. NO, I do not wish to die not in to...

26.08.2004, 10:50
CHto-something with me became. To me began to live hardly. NO, I do not wish to die not in which case, I in general that in marriage leave but business not in it or this. The matter is that to me hardly to wake up, to me hardly to work, I all time wish to sleep, at me laziness to do or make all. Earlier I had time to work till the night, then to go on a disco and in the morning again on job, and now...
Even nothing pleases me... I am irritated in occasion of and without, but sometimes there are no forces even to swear.

26.08.2004, 14:22
Tanjusik keep! All will be ok!

The anonym
27.08.2004, 22:32
Avitaminosis or depression.

Buharov J.M.
28.08.2004, 19:13
Hello, Tanja! By your description, at you quite typical asthenic syndrome, t. e., if some or a little;a little bit to simplify, chronic overwork. To cope with it or this it is simple: a healthy way of life + a correct regimen truda/rest + a dream not less than 8 hours per day + an eutrophy + vitaminization. I assure you, already in couple of weeks of keeping of these rules, you will feel substantial improvement. However remains seryoznyj a question: why you have finished yourselves to such status? - and the answer to this question it is better to search by means of the psychologist or the psychotherapist that in the further to not appear again in such situation.

29.08.2004, 09:05
Thanks all for advice or councils and support!
I shall lift wings!