Просмотр полной версии : zdravstvujte. mojej mame 49. u nejo rak. uze 13 let boremsja. sejcas vsjo n...

23.08.2004, 08:01
zdravstvujte. mojej mame 49. u nejo rak. uze 13 let boremsja. sejcas vsjo na poslednej stadii. mts v pecenj, selezenku, kisecnik (stoma), po vsej brjushnine. bolej net, no sostojanije zutkoje-slabostj, rvota... i mnogo vsego prochego. posle poslednego obsledovanija i zove o pomoschi, vraci jej v glaza skazali-depressija, vsjo budet ok. a nam vidali vipisku s... chto ze nam s otcom delatj? mamochka-siljnij celovek, derzitsja, pitaetsja " vilezti iz boleznej " i zitj radi nas, radi vnuchki. mi podderzivaem drug druga, kak mozem. no mi to s otcom znajem, chto luche ne budet. budet lish huze. a sil uze net. i skoljko mozno vratj samomu rodnomu celoveku-MAME??? chto ze nam delatj??? kak bitj??? ona ne znajet, chto vsjo nastoljko ploho i vraci spisali. narodnuju medicinu toze mi proshli... .spasibo.

Tolokonin A.O.
24.08.2004, 06:55
Dear Ket!
It is difficult to advise in your case something unequivocally. On the one hand the patient should know that occurs or happens to it or him. With another it can "break" it or him, then illness or disease will start to progress even more quickly. From personal observation I can tell or say, that many serious illnesses or diseases have psychosomatic roots including a cancer. And the body reacts illness or disease to problems in unconscious. Here only to understand it, to understand and help or assist itself probably only with a status of belief in the best. In the literature cases of a recovery from a cancer are described. So in each case the person varied, as the person and its or his consciousness varied together with destiny. Cancer patients, basically, just also live for someone, but not for the person, nerazvivajas, forgetting about the egoism. Everyone who has recovered open in themselves other party or side of the person, at them rasskryvajutsja talents. Do not lose hope and not sjadite, slozha arms or hand! Who searches, that will find!

24.08.2004, 14:13
SPASIBO, DOKTOR. razve jestj dejstviteljno sluchai vizdorovlenija? eto lish iznutri? ili uze siljna i medicina?? mi prosto uze tak ustali borotjsja i veritj. etot uzas dlitsja 13 let. mame vsego 49. i ona nuzna nam vsem. ona slovo plohogo v zizni ne skazala, vsegda na pomosch bezala. tak za chto ze nam eto nakazanije? takije muchenija??? spasibo..

Tolokonin A.O.
25.08.2004, 22:09
The person can a bad word never in a life tell or say, but thus to cease to believe in itself and to understand the place in this life, and it threatens with loss of this place. I state only assumptions in your case. Success!

27.08.2004, 07:09
In the literature as cases with Kolobkom, Woman Jagoj, Jesus Panteroj (Christ) are described. Not all described in the literature can be believed. And WHEN In TRUDNEJSHUJU the MOST CLOSE PEOPLE DECEIVE MINUTE, HIDE EYES At that time WHEN the PERSON REQUIRES SINCERITY And TRUST is KILLS MORALLY, SUPPRESSES, is intolerable POSTPONES, DEPRESSIRUET. And can be to her it would be desirable say goodbye, be professed, reveal any secret...

The anonym
27.08.2004, 09:28
She in fact subconsciously feels the truth. You do not allow her to change.

The anonym
27.08.2004, 18:31
If she subconsciously would feel the truth to her nobody could prevent to change.

29.08.2004, 03:04
Your mother tests both physical, and sincere sufferings. Having said the truth aloud, (which she knows about herself), you it is simple ubete it or her. So you want - a life of mother at its or her bad quality or its or her mors? Also that for you it is more important - your sufferings or.... To kill hope - means to kill the person. Without hope the person is dead. Patiences to you...