Просмотр полной версии : I have an old girlfriend, which not so such and the girlfriend, well voobshchem...

11.07.2004, 07:06
I have an old girlfriend, which not so such and the girlfriend, well voobshchem, I try to meet her less. The matter is that she constantly derides my disadvantages, tries to humiliate before other people. Itself considers or counts as perfection and the cleverest! It is unpleasant to me when they at my relatives speaks about me badly. How to her to silence? I and so avoid with her vstrech, t. To. Already us nothing connects or binds also interests too different! But she is imposed and constantly humiliates me before others! How to stop all this?

14.07.2004, 16:39
The good girlfriend! Yes to her the prices are not present! She thinks of yours sovershestve, than you more!

18.07.2004, 16:27
Sergey, it why? Prove, something I nedoponimaju! To YOU it would be pleasant if your friend in every possible way humiliated you, talked scandal and sneered at you before close and your general or common friends? Reminded of your problems, which and so do not allow you rest to live! Also would remind that you already have almost forgotten!

The anonym
19.07.2004, 05:28
Monika, you agressiruete and it is very strong: - (Sergey of the rights, I on a place of your girlfriend would not wait while you silence, and has simply kept away from you on huge distance:-)

19.07.2004, 17:23
Dear Monika, in the nature there are individuals for whom the unique way samoutverditsja is to humiliate others. In one of songs Grebenshchikova there are such lines: * what for to me enemies when at me is such * My opinion, to you it is necessary to stop any dialogue with her, and the earlier, the better for you. And on all questions why you so have acted or arrived, and questions will arise both from it or her and from close friends. You can tell or say, that she to you is not pleasant as the person, that you have ceased to respect with it or her and do not see sense to continue such attitudes or relations. Only at all upadablivajtes to her also do not water with its or her mud, I think associates and so see what gov. .m she is filled. Be Above, speak all with a smile, and deep feeling of simplification as though have got rid from kakojto infections. And then its or her turn will come to be excruciated, as so I such, and she... But to you will be all the same, t. To. This splinter will not poison to you more life. It is checked up on personal experience. Success.

The anonym
23.07.2004, 14:31
@ to her to stop up @ so speak, means not better...

27.07.2004, 12:04
Thanks, Ira, you - to mine unique who understands me! The Others simply not were in my skin! Instead of so that and is pleasant when at you throw mud, you too probably would be enraged (anonym)!

The anonym
30.07.2004, 23:14
Monja, in vain you so if wanted sincere advice or council it was not necessary most to water the girl-friend. Would tell your problem, not having assimilated to this girl, it is as though sick to you was. Earlier you were amicable with her, for certain was much in common, kind and remarkable. Probably you would talk to her and have prompted, that she acts nasty. It becomes a shame to the normal person, if he hears a fair recognition from the girlfriend, instead of spiteful @ a mouth I wish your of good luck and many meditations over a subject of friendship.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 10:22
For Iry. Friends on road do not roll and it is better to prompt and state with it or him the truth to face, than to try to prick, and especially to get rid of the person, as from @. Vindictiveness still decorated nobody and did not do or make happy. And to lose friends painfully.

The anonym
01.08.2004, 21:58
And from what you have taken, what she Monike the girlfriend? Friends never humiliate the friends... So, Ira all correctly to you has advised. Stop in general to communicate with this "girlfriend"... Without comments.

The anonym
05.08.2004, 20:29
At each person the outlooks on life and friendship. See words Moniki

09.08.2004, 01:21
You what for live:-)? To look or appear before others it is good:-)? Certainly, it irritates. But With ETIM-THAT the BORING Also it is necessary TO WORK!!! The girlfriend prompts you the WAY!!

The anonym
12.08.2004, 20:01
Sergey if the girlfriend prompts " a correct way " should prompt Monike PERSONALLY (tet-a-tet), instead of publicly (in a circle of friends and friends) to humiliate it or her more. You agree?

Hazhilina I.I.
15.08.2004, 10:32
Monika! Ourselves it is chosen to itself of friends and with whom us to communicate and with whom is not present... Think of that as well as why in your life there was similar "girlfriend"? You have involved with What way it or her during the life? And what for to you with her continue to communicate? About it is imposed... You can tell or say simply to her, that think of yours with her dialogue. And its or her "imposings" will stop. Successes to you!

18.08.2004, 09:25
It seems to me, that at the girlfriend it turns out to humiliate you only because you pay attention to it. Try to not be irritated, when she ezvit, and to translate all for fun then she will understand, what is it bessmysleno and will lose to this invention any interest.

20.08.2004, 18:08
Near ALWAYS provokes, ALWAYS byot in a painful point, you did not notice? For it he also should be grateful! Thus, all we care about near. But many - as Monika and Ira - do not understand the true benefit. Development ALWAYS goes through the conflict, you did not notice:-)?

23.08.2004, 00:01
You know, I have a girlfriend who behaves a little bit similar (the truth before others she me does not humiliate and does not blacken). And so, only with her I like to do or make purchases for myself. Here who to me will always tell or say, how I look or appear in those or other orders. Will not flatter, time awfully all on me sidit-and will tell or say yes such words... Another slyshala-would take offence. But I am very grateful to her for it.

24.08.2004, 08:04
The same to me was told by one my friend about the old girlfriend, yes I and itself observed it not time. It so is ridiculous, when the person zakompleksovannyj and diffident tries to expose the girlfriend the little fool even before its or her young man, all so these complexes are appreciable! And all of that in a life something not so develops also banal envy. Such girlfriends can be regretted only.

25.08.2004, 20:17
Monika, people to some extent each other provoke all, at times neosoznanno. The fact, that at your girlfriend the underestimated self-rating, is quite possible or probable she so acts with all and does not think at all, that will wound it or this. If you react, means at you there is any psychological "hook" which it clings. It is not necessary to be angry. poprobjte to talk to the girlfriend, to tell to her about the feelings. An another matter, that very much slozhon something to advise, knowing the general or common situation. It would be better, if you would result or bring a concrete example.

28.08.2004, 11:30
OK, thanks for responses, I have understood all! Already for itself has made a decision, as it is necessary to act! Thanks!

29.08.2004, 00:37
/ // ///use these instants to fall in the sushchestvo/// //