Просмотр полной версии : And witnesses Iegovy - simply remarkable children or guys, in the first it is valid...

22.07.2004, 00:18
And witnesses Iegovy - simply remarkable children or guys, in the first it is valid, as has told or said Intriganka, - will get in any place, and in the second will start ears to fill in to you with sweet treacle, and zhurnalchiki will present (read - will impose), and skazochku will tell (by the way very plentifully previraja the Bible and distorting interpretation of Bible dates and events). And when I have asked them - a pier would not be to more use from that money which their community on these or it zhurnalchiki spends (by the way it is huge money - millions, magazines color, on a good paper, thick, excellent or different quality, circulation more than 300 thousand), and so would be not more reasonable to spend this money for the real charity - how much on the Internet of announcements of sick children which are urgently necessary expensive operations and treatment, whether yes are not enough around poor and are valid strazhdushchih the real help instead of kind nashlepok so these or it sladenkie preachers zafyrkali, have made greater or big eyes, and are more sermons do not get me. - To mine they the present zhule and parasites of a world scale. Involve in the networks of people that was from whom money to swing or pump.

22.07.2004, 14:05
Calm down already and change the subject!!!!!!!!!

24.07.2004, 10:44
Yes you che??? Only something interesting have started to discuss - and that all about muzhiks yes about abortions.
And here about religion with philosophy have undertaken, the subject should on the contrary - be developed:-)))

26.07.2004, 23:41
Witnesses Iegovy - extremely harmful and dangerous sect which is not having anything general or common with christianity. Do not enter with them any discussions, attitudes or relations and so forth Their ultimate goal - to tighten or delay the person and its or his agents. And they are able to do or make it ingeniously!

29.07.2004, 23:31
I have a friend who was involved in this sect. That is pleasant, it or she has enough mind or wit to not climb to me with the knizhentsijami and bumajazhkami. But to the child she washes out brains under the full program. I call in that to year to congratulate them with NG, Maksimke then years 5 was: " Maksimka, greetings! I congratulate you happy New Year! How you on a fur-tree in children's sadike descended or went? What the Grandfather the Frost has presented you? " Also I receive in the answer: " And mum to me has told or said, that New god-it not a holiday, I there did not go, I do not wish to drive a round dance around of a dead fur-tree. And still to me mum has told or said, that the Grandfather of a frost is not present and that if I shall want something, to me mum with the daddy everyone will buy or purchase. "...: (I was in a shock, I do not understand such belief though like always considered or counted itself as the tolerant person.

01.08.2004, 11:37
To me some time went iegovisty: the woman of years 40 and the boy of years 17. With bright books, naive reasonings up to a limit. I accepted them, argued, overpersuaded, because wished to avert from this fellow, to rescue or save, so to say, soul the stray. When has consulted to the priest, has received the strict reprimand for self-confidence and danger to which subjected the family and property. He porasskazal about such their focus and an agent of influence (hypnosis, narcotics and so forth), that I bystrenko have given them from hiluses turn.

01.08.2004, 15:55
Yes it is valid - dangerous. Several years ago all on lips had a history about the girl of 17 years consisted in this sect, and so this girl needed to do or make urgently a hemotransfusion, under vital indications. And she - as Iegovtsy consider or count all hemotransfusion - as a sin - has refused transfusion and has died. Here they what witnesses Iegovy.

02.08.2004, 23:18
To argue with witnesses? Yes it all the same what to argue with CD, on k-rum citations from the Bible are written down. These programmed people need to be kicked downstairs in a literal sense, differently it is possible to appear imperceptibly in their series as priest Natalia has told or said. And whom it needs to be imagined itself to try to alter them? Simeonom the New Seminary student? Ioanom Kronshtadskim? (and whom it seems to itself ljusja, quoting the Bible? - well it so... A retort aside) it is valid - what to quote? In what kontektste? With what sense?
For this reason sects have divorced so much, that everyone tries to interpret Pisanie - to the . Clever, a pancake...
I think, that somebody has fairly told or said Kohl below, what is it too serious subject for discussion HERE.
Because human participation, a slice of the experience HERE is required, which is not present at anybody (than he - experience - and tsenen), instead of mentorskie the citation.

05.08.2004, 22:08
Once voleju destiny had three-hour conversation with witnesses Iegovy. Whether know they are not too obsessional, clever, tactful. Having studied or investigated completely bible philosophy before this occurring, much has proved to these perfectly grounded people, what not all at them so and is correct, in what they so blindly believe.

06.08.2004, 03:10
I think (unfortunately), that only it seemed to you, that you have proved much to them. These people are grounded only in materials of "Watchtower" yes in works of the founders - Russell and Ruterforda, and that, many obvious absurds of these works are not advertised and among the . Will specify to them in the Bibles of a place obviously missing their doctrine - will hear, that translation or transfer is not those, or the latest insert or to understand it is necessary not so, and at all on the contrary. No, I in such games for a long time do not play.

09.08.2004, 21:38
Yes, by the way, priest Oleg Stenjaev from the center of an aftertreatment of sectarian victims spends for belief ("treatment") of ONE person about one year. You to it or him;them podite, beztsennym share experience, as for three hours of delusion to dispell.

13.08.2004, 09:57
Yes you of that, whether about thinking still that?! Yes orthodox I! I consist in arrival, as polagaetsjaalogi there to crying, but at me the personal attitudes or relations with Heavens. I not navjazyva own theory, do not treat the Bible. I apply it or her only in the necessary cases. However, girls, uspokojtesb already. I Am sorry, that contention such has brought. Though I do not see you, but I communicate - duksham, now though an atmosphere I know. There are close to me on spirit people, for what is grateful to them. In the beginning the truth thought, whether to construct that to me aeroplan and to depart from entogo collective farm...

16.08.2004, 02:08
ljusja, anybody does not rank you to iegovistam, you really know Pisanie, I concern to it or this with greater or big respect. Just it you pay for taxes in arrival? Clear, please.

19.08.2004, 22:11
I live in Finljandi, and here system such: if "vtupaesh" in arrival, t. e votserkvljaeshja (to horror I notice, that I I forget as to write complex or difficult words), you fill an application form. And yearly from all incomes deduct the certain percent or interest from incomes, as though "desjatina". The official right on such financial opratsii from the sanction of the state has their lutheran tserkov (approximately 85 %) and orthodox, us here it is not enough 15 % .s respect. ljusja

23.08.2004, 18:26
ljusja, yes not about you we! Have already jumped on sectarians. And desjatinu, by the way, everyone should pay! And pravoslavnye-that first of all as our belief the most correct, and on desjatinu pochemu-that nobody forks up. And it is written down in Apostolic Rules. However, number or room of the Rule I do not remember. Here tak-that!

23.08.2004, 21:09
Yes, you have surprised me! But I believe, these taxes are received not by church, and the state. And gifts of parishioners always voluntary and sorazmerjajutsja their conscience and feelings, at least in Orthodoxy only so. I here itself in church promised a computer with an Internet, now should execute.

26.08.2004, 14:17
" Our belief the most correct " - as diko it sounds, you only ponder. Here to you and the prescription of the world: (((... " And desjatinu, by the way, everyone should pay " - I already have felt, at least, a member of trade union: ((((... ljusja, of it simply think aloud, do not take personally.

26.08.2004, 22:05
Too firstly it seemed to me wild, but has quickly got used. Well here to take an example with a computer. Presses a subconscious mind, promised, business or affairs, tuda-here. And here I sleep to destination srogo my money have easy gone or send easy to church. There is a report on them where, when and how much. The world on soul or douche, like as well as I participate in affairs of church. In Russia all in due course too will be settled. So much at me ideas here has arisen, as it is possible to work on church so it is strongly possible to help or assist people, not having enclosed and five roubles. Well, I here was lost in day-dreams...

28.08.2004, 19:58
Lerchik, has forgotten on that place ":)) " to put, intonation, unfortunately, will not pass. And the prescription of the world is not present, you still have not understood it or this? And if it is serious, for any believer its or his belief the most correct, differently he, the believer, would not choose this belief. Has crookedly told or said, but a short, I think, has informed.
Natalia and as - only conscience, only here that conscience to that will tell or say, is a question.