Просмотр полной версии : At the girlfriend depression, accepts medicines. To her job seems that to her is better not...

23.08.2004, 04:00
At the girlfriend depression, accepts medicines. To her it seems that to her is better to not work or work on a quarter of the rate, though lech. The doctor speaks what to work it is possible. Basically in forces it or her to contain months 6 12 but strains a little. Whether really nerabotat helps or assists from depression? Works prodatsom, therefore nerviret not only employees but also buyers.

The anonym
26.08.2004, 09:08
Whether it will be useful to go on the south?

Tolokonin A.O.
28.08.2004, 18:41
Ability or not ability to job testifies to a degree of an expression of depression and on its or her picture, and especially the reason of influence does not render! The course of an internal psychotherapy is necessary for disposal of depression. If live in Moscow, to enter the name to me on reception it is possible by phone: 367 69 08 (09) mediko-the psychological center Family + . If wish to cause or call on the house or office, call 542 30 41 mob. Or write on E-Mail: tolokonin@mtu-net. ru
Tolokonin Artem Olegovich psihiatr-the psychotherapist.