Просмотр полной версии : How it is possible to convince the person to read books on psychology? Well does not understand at me...

17.08.2004, 14:00
How it is possible to convince the person to read books on psychology? Well does not understand at me BF the child, to me does not listen, persistently bends the line and receives each time eventually negative result, that it or him does not stop. Good, my opinion "prejudiced", but is the cloud of the literature written by professionals. I do not want, that at my son complexes iz-for these mutual relations have developed. When the child constantly demands attention and caress, and receives only manuals. When the person constantly builds " a vertical of authority " at any opportunity, instead of friendly participation and support. How it to change? And whether it is possible in general (

18.08.2004, 10:57
The best literature for BF - bed

19.08.2004, 08:04
Greetings, ier. Humour - a medicine from only. And a powerful or potent agent of education)

21.08.2004, 00:22
Greetings:) Here at me the child with humour also concerns how much the adult can) But BF and certainly is stronger, therefore all not so is simple. Really such situation can priveti or to full casting-off BFa, or and me and BFa...

22.08.2004, 09:04
Prikolnyj at you the child. You would not fracture it or him) Let cherkanet when there will be time. A call in force))

22.08.2004, 12:37
Greetings, Shooting gallery. I would try, that they were less crossed, if they are dear or expensive to you both. To understand the child legko-it is necessary to like it or him only. Communicate with everyone separately.

22.08.2004, 18:30
Only then about family with BFom it is possible to forget... In tom-continually, that the child at me with enthusiasm to my familiar (kh-m:)) concerns, and to BFu at it or him as a whole the good relation. And BFa he all over again strongly irritated, and now about boring BF has ceased to speak, but constantly tries to learn or teach the little son, moreover from top to down, and at us in family never such attitudes or relations was. Can at me perehlest in other party or side and freedom mnogovato, but with the child I always conducted all conversations on peer and style at us in family was friendly, without constant morals and poprekany. And at BFa more traditional education, and he constantly tries "to construct" the little son that at it or him naturally it does not turn out in any way. He does not see, that to the child now and so difficultly iz-for problems with adaptation and I am afraid, that this davezh in unnecessary places can become that drop when the child will simply become isolated and will depart already from both.

The reader
24.08.2004, 05:29
Also what prevents all it to explain BFu? Not the idiot, should understand.

Well here
25.08.2004, 00:44
Eh... niche to write the reluctance.

26.08.2004, 03:06
Shooting gallery, you have gathered these people, you the chapter or head, you and regulate attitudes or relations. Do not try to neglect everything, nobody will protect your child, he is too opened or open, and BF too skilled or experienced contender for it or him, can break the child.

27.08.2004, 11:51
Last business under books of the child to bring up....