Просмотр полной версии : G-n Agaev M. recently I became very irritable. To me vseg...

Maria To.
06.08.2004, 08:42
G-n Agaev M. recently I became very irritable. To me of only 20 years I do not overtire, I conduct a normal way of life, but such sensation, that at me a nervous attrition or that that in this sort. I feel what that internal weariness and the reason for it or this seems to me that where that god-1.5 back at me has sharply jumped up pressure (handroz), hardly consciousness has not lost. I very much was frightened (it there was first time) and in additives "has wound" itself. After that case I involuntarily began to listen to myself and constantly I "wind" myself. I do not know as now from it or this to get rid. Up to this case with pressure I was much quieter, and now is simple places to myself I do not find. All not that and all not so. It can cause disturbance of a dream?

Agaev M.M.
10.08.2004, 03:46
And the dream was how broke or disturbed? What mood at you? Appetite? The Sex life?

Maria To.
11.08.2004, 22:47
After a case with pressure became bojatja what is it once again will occur or happen. Constantly listened to itself especially when there was one and certainly before a dream. I have then learned to distract as that like to concern began to it or this more easy, but there was a sensation, that with me all taki that that not so.
Mood very changeable. Within day often varies. I what that acquisitive became recently, therefore my mood, probably, depends on a situation. Appetite normal and when I feel, that as that to me not on myself to eat that nibud hochetsja--distracts. In a sex life of problems is not present --was stably. The truth sometimes when I go to bed, rolls such wild pavor, that it is more about what to think impossible already poshevelitsja are afraid. But it only two times was this summer and in the beginning of autumn.

Agaev M.M.
13.08.2004, 12:18
Badly. I insist on your visit to the psychiatrist. It is necessary to begin treatment.

Maria To.
14.08.2004, 00:28
You could not describe approximately what course of treatment to me can be will have to pass or take place?
And in general that with me?

Agaev M.M.
17.08.2004, 04:11
I have no right to recommend treatment in absentia. In any case there there will be neuroleptics as the basic preparations.

Maria To.
20.08.2004, 11:49
The doctor! Instead of whether will have to sit constantly then to me on these preparations? And really I not in a status to cope with myself, in fact recently I became quieter and have learned to not think of it or this.

Agaev M.M.
24.08.2004, 10:01
The majority of alienations proceed "wavy". The purpose of treatment - not only as much as possible to reduce height of "peaks", but also to try to level this wave. You understand, what I wish to tell or say? Treatment is necessary, but exists and t. n. A maintenance therapy including small doses of medicines which prevent relapses.

Maria To.
27.08.2004, 05:42
Mister Agaev. I can you not so have understood? To me that will have to sit constantly on these medicines? It is impossible to manage them?