Просмотр полной версии : More recently I had a boy who looks after me. He wants...

25.08.2004, 08:57
More recently I had a boy who looks after me. He wants, that we met NG together. But I wish to celebrate with the friends! To combine them there is no opportunity.

On the one hand, attitudes or relations with this young man are very fragile: we so communicate iz-for pulled hard on me studies very little. I am afraid, that he will be bothered with absence of attention for my part, and I very much would not want it or this.

On the other hand, I am already tired from the New Years spent among any unfamiliar me of persons, being friends to my young man (each time by the way new as after NG they it is usual not longly proderzhivalis as my partner in life: (((). I do not speak, that all these persons were the extremely unpleasant, simply to me they were another's, and I converge with another's people not at once. I know precisely, that with the friends to me will be very cheerfully and well, and with another's it is necessary to strain and as a result: as always unpleasant sensations from a holiday.

What to do or make? How to make so that to celebrate with friends, but to not offend the boy?

Well here
25.08.2004, 19:13
If to you he dorog-celebrate with it or him, if such kolechanija-that with friends... At the same time also you will check up. How much or as far as you to him road. Eventually it is possible to meet hour per 2 nights and doprazdnovat together.

The clever man
26.08.2004, 19:37
I think meet with it or him - that you lose? Skukotu and vanity?

27.08.2004, 03:11
Celebrate there where to you it is pleasant. To that these victims are necessary