Просмотр полной версии : Find fault people! To me och. The boy from my school, it pochtishto my ideal has liked...

14.08.2004, 15:33
Find fault people! To me och. The boy from my school has liked, it pochtishto my ideal of the guy (pomojmu unique it nedostatok-too high for me), vopshchem the dude that that is necessary! (I from 8. (me almost 14) he from 10) But is one but, I too modest and awfully I am afraid to approach or suit to nimu. At school I try to bypass its or his party or side, anything nemogu to do or make with myself, such here I timid. The only thing, that I can make, so it to wait for its or his first step, and that, few times he at me something asked, and I as if or as have swallowed tongue, have responded kakujuto dullness and to wind from there, then all the day from a shock departed. Iz-for my shyness I and shall stay all the summer long without it or him: ((Then when I by it or him passed or took place, he has all of a sudden named my name:)) (it is interesting otkudo he it or him knows....) I know, that he lives series with me. In the morning, on a way to school I often saw it or him in the bus, and that, he costs or stands in the beginning and I leave in the extremity or end, well I am afraid, I am afraid) there Is also a minus, (-one name) he too is pleasant to my girlfriend, I even nesomnevajus that she to me will build intrigues, and she is obvious not from those who will concede to me. Not clearly, who is pleasant to him on me kak-that will look or see, at my girlfriend, once saw, how on itself its or his schoolmate sat. (he not the ladies' man, simply very cheerful and obshitelnyj the person). People kind, very much I ask, pogogite advice or council, what to me to do or make?

16.08.2004, 17:30
Is proverenyj a way. You approach or suit to it or him;them, you turn out pockets on trousers (skirt) and you speak: " You kogda-nibud kissed zajchika between ears? ". The effect of unexpectedness works on you, at it or him simply a tower will take down or demolish. However, it is necessary to suppress in itself pavor, and in your case he not small...

19.08.2004, 01:15
Yes you che, absolutely ohrineli, mozh to me also a cancer to rise?! And here trahatsa, che for dullness. Maknus, sikeldjavka you have not grown yet to that such words to use!

21.08.2004, 14:25
Motja, at you two outputs or exits: 1) to go with it or him on contact and to find out for itself its or his attitude or relation to you. Let even the pretext will be the most remote from your valid intentions. Find people who communicate with it or him, strike up with them acquaintance and through them will be closer to it or him;them then who at once becomes clear to him more it is pleasant.
2) to not undertake any attempts. Let for you it will be simple a subject for obazhanija. Many poets have devoted many beautiful lines mysterious neznakomkam. Probably you read these verses

22.08.2004, 11:33
Thanks you Allochka! About friends I too thought, but who knows as they to it or him;them concern, in fact people all different and predugodat actions of everyone vrjatli someone on forces. Friends will be peredovat all told or said by me, and for certain not to him to one, it is called by word of mouth, most likely about it or this learns or finds out also it or him obozhatelnitsa which obviously will not want us to reduce. And teachers at us too like to gossip. I unfortunately cannot like the person one eyes, and talk to it or him I very much I am afraid and stesnajus. Mine polozhenie-deadlock and as from it or him vybrotsja I do not know! For 14 years at there were many guys who admitted to me love, uhazhivili for me, gave the gifts which were much or many of them to me very or very much liked, but nikamu I could not reciprocate, dosihpor about it or this I regret! In all my shyness is guilty or I too pozno start to show interest to guys. With such approach I can and push away from myself the present or true love, and I shall die the old maiden in full loneliness: (There are also cases when marriages or spoilage break up, many families live is unhappy, and all this iz-that people and nevstretili or have pushed away the present or true love!

23.08.2004, 03:03
Uh you! If 14 years or summer cry, that have not met the present or true love, and the life passs by:) Motja, your problem not in shyness, and that you the limited person. You do not have any interests in a life, the girlfriend present or true is not available at all, about only " one name ". One desire to like and boldness to approach or suit to the person insufficiently. Present, what will be, when it is necessary to you with it or him zagovorit-about what you will talk?

27.08.2004, 00:32
Yes, perhaps you are right, but not in all. I do not cry or pay iz-for not met love, more likely I experience, that I shall miss it or her, if an occurring. Lerchik, you have mentioned or touched my weak mesto-with many people I simply and I do not know about what razgorarivat! I know, that it is necessary to me samorazvivatsja and only recently was seized by a head. Has ceased to stir or chatter on telef and gradually I pass to books, but unless it is enough of it or this?! Yes, in a life I have interests and I much that want, for example I wish to go on equestrian sport, but on it are necessary money, and I unfortunately not a daughter of the banker. The girlfriend that is available, (at school) but whether it is possible it or her so to name, a question disputable. And here present or true at me is, but she unfortunately far lives (hnyk)! Very pleasantly with you to correspond, and if you want to leave to me the report on the first page to not climb each time here, I shall be only for.