Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Very much I wish to help or assist the girlfriend. She in full despair. To sieve...

22.08.2004, 12:15
Good afternoon!
Very much I wish to help or assist the girlfriend. She in full despair.
The situation is those - its or her son - the boy 14 ti - years grows in incomplete family (the father from mother have divorced when to the son was six years). At the father other family, mum till now is lonely. The boy likes the father, earlier often happened at his place, since recent time the father began to avoid these occurrings and calls. The boy has become isolated (can be, and at all in this occasion, something can, at school not so, but I pochemu-that am inclined to think, what exactly iz-for alienations of the father), in the whole days (when not at school) lays in front of the TV, does not go anywhere, despite all efforts of its or his mother to stir up (courses of game on a guitar, tourism, pool, section ajkido and so forth - all over again went, but it or him sufficed for a short while), friends at it or him are not present. But most, in my opinion, bad - he became aggressive in relation to mother, demands from it or her money (that she gets out at two jobs, but money all the same does not suffice), is hysterical, conducts conversations on the incompetence ( I silly, nobody likes me, at me never nothing will turn out ), often cries. She addressed to the psychotherapist, even it was possible to reduce to it or him;them the son. That to her there have told or said - I do not know, she does not like to speak on this subject. But nothing has changed. Please, prompt, that it is possible to make in a similar situation to mum, associates where to run and for what to catch

23.08.2004, 14:17
The problem 1 - is not present friends. Means, most likely, there is any conflict at school. It is necessary to try to understand what there business. Perhaps, it is necessary to translate or transfer in other school. The problem 2 - he speaks, that at it or him nothing turns out. What exactly is impossible? CHto-Something with study? Let mum will sit down for textbooks and will understand together with it or him. CHto-Something another? Find out, what exactly then will know from what to go it is necessary. The most bad, that it is possible to make in the given situation - to respond aggression to aggression and to abuse it or him. The most correct - to behave with the child, as with the friend. It is serious, but costs or stands to try or taste. At me to a daughter of 15 years, I know.

24.08.2004, 17:15
Know, that the son is aggressive and constantly demands money is a bad sign. Very much. It, certainly, still does not mean, that he the narcomaniac, but that less, danger is... At it or him, undoubtedly, the self-rating is underestimated. Try to praise more it or him, whether that... If it or him do not interest section and a mug, it is possible to try to interest in its or his books.

Hazhilina I.I.
25.08.2004, 22:01
Money never ask simply so. They are necessary on something. If the behaviour agressivnoe-is possible or probable the use of narcotics. If she lives in Moscow let will call to me, and is better will result or bring it or him on consultation. I work with the faces dependent on narcotics and alcohol, including with teenagers. I can find with the boy contact and understand what the reason of its or his behaviour.
My detailed data it is possible to esteem, having pressed on krasnenkuju first name, middle initial, last name
With me it is possible to communicate on e-mail paira1729@yandex. ru or on t. 8 916 140 74 55 (From Moscow or area)