Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Here I 2 years with anybody do not meet, and with anybody did not sleep....

18.07.2004, 15:35
Hello! Here I 2 years with anybody do not meet, and with anybody did not sleep. So sometimes in taverns with men tusujus, but these attitudes or relations usually come to an end with nothing. I the normal little girl, nice, harmonous, put on normally, in the company normally myself I conduct, I can joke, potusovatsja. Why so it turns out, what anybody is not present? Can at me the demand high? But I would like, that it was interesting with the person.

19.07.2004, 22:08
I do not wish you to offend, but think: If otmesti all maxims leaves - such I class, and all around uninteresting therefore to communicate and sleep to me there is nobody. You are excruciated from loneliness and business not in your appearance, clothes and so forth Can tusovatsja it is necessary not on taverns, and in more suitable places for the girl looking of serious attitudes or relations? And voobshche-that is noticed, that tusujutsja on taverns with muzhiks, but do not sleep with them exclusively " devushki-dinamovki ", to you it does not do or make honour. (ANYTHING PERSONAL, it is simple imho)

The humming-bird
21.07.2004, 09:43
The usual coincidence of circumstances seems to me

The aunt
22.07.2004, 17:27
And devushki-dinamovki it unless is bad? On mine on the contrary... And what, it is necessary with the muzhik in a tavern potusovatsja, and then in bed with it or him to lay down? A little not clearly.

The humming-bird
24.07.2004, 08:13
And the Aunt of the right, by the way

25.07.2004, 06:50
By the way, and where it is necessary tusovatsja? At exhibitions or in concert halls? That such what the girl accepts the invitation to go in restaurant? I do not see here any kriminala. And the destiny can be met where ugodno-both in a disco, and on a bus stopping. As to demands to the person, I, Lana, do not advise you " to reduce a rod ". Why you should be content with what does not arrange you? Simply you yet have not met the person, not at all it turns out so that at once and for all life.

28.07.2004, 07:52
I not to that she should at once with it or him in bed for a plate of soup:)))). Simply for it or her it is bad to be dinamovkoj as this employment or occupation firstly pleasant, as a rule becomes a habit, to stop very difficultly. And such women finish loneliness or unsuccessfully developed private life. And in intervals between "prodinamlennymi" in kabakah/klubah/anywhere men they are comprehended also just with such ideas: " Why I one? Like and it is a lot of them around, but all is not interesting? " And interest at such approach any also cannot be, as she is from the very beginning adjusted or from the very beginning set up, that "will not give" him not that after a tavern, and in general "will not give". He fine understands it, but in a counterbalance to her, persistently wishes to drag in bed. Its or his reason here _ " BECAUSE!!! " PS Esteemed the first post and the formulation there incorrect has understood, that, the idea washing has been deformed or distorted. Thanks the Aunt that have noticed!:)))

The aunt - LETO
30.07.2004, 15:37
Well thanks God! And that I have thought, here is how is judicious on wash a question has responded, and here such....)))))... For a plate supa-it is strong)))

01.08.2004, 06:06
I do not think, that " such I class, and all around uninteresting therefore to communicate and sleep to me there is nobody ". I, really, am excruciated from loneliness and I try to find the reason in myself. Therefore also I ask others in what there can be a reason. And what places more suitable for the girl looking of serious attitudes or relations? I had a young man whom some years communicated with me and achieved more close relations, and it has then appeared, that vo-the first it or he during all this time had a girl, and vo-the second after we have spent together night, he did not appear month 2, well and so on..

02.08.2004, 14:48
To all the time, that's all. Business not that Lana is worse or better than others, is simple at the given stage, the life so develops. The loneliness is familiar very much to much, in the various epostasjah.

05.08.2004, 06:38
" I had a young man whom some years communicated with me and achieved more close relations, and it has then appeared, that vo-the first it or he during all this time had a girl, and vo-the second after we have spent together night, he did not appear month 2 " - Lana, I shall repeat, personally against you I have nothing, and your problem is clear. That did you wait from the person, some years dobivavnegosja from you for affinity? And with Alina I agree: AT the GIVEN STAGE at you SUCH life its or her such YOU also have made. And why to not make so that not you searched for the man, and men searched repeated occurrings with you? And not only for sex, but also after it or him. I understand, that answers of type: " You yet have not met the "and" At you all ahead " you will not arrange. I know the girl who even during the pregnancy and an early maternity (understand how it affects appearance) from muzhiks did not know a release when with her got acquainted, almost in a lap elicited repeated occurrings and the sex hint, and here quite serious three (!) offers on a marriage to her was far not always in them has acted or arrived. (the father of the child sent it or her on abortion and they have left) Now she happily lives with the new husband! Also know why? She was interesting, not stremalas to get acquainted at exhibitions and in concert halls:), It or She had not one hobby in which she involved set of people. Now 30 and she is not less interesting to her, than in 20! Even more. Though its or her beauty far you will not name: small polnenkaja armjanochka with characteristic national features. Lana, you understand, about what I? It is not necessary to think, that I wish to expose you unfortunate dinamovkoj. Simply with a habit of this you should finish, while it has not accepted uglier forms, rather than loneliness. The reason I of your loneliness to you have named, but she has not liked you, nastivat on her I shall not be, can and I am mistaken. You in fact experience, except for negative, have no iz-for it or this. Direct the energy to other bed or channel, instead of in taverns and self-digging. I sincerely wish you of good luck!

06.08.2004, 19:47
Look or See at yourself from a skin of that of the man with which you had no objection to continue attitudes or relations. Is better to present a real situation in roles. Directly see Lanu from, consider or examine it or her properly as she moves as as speaks, what facial expression, gestures, a pose, etc. Think, she on you makes what impression, why you would not like more close relations with her. There can be this exercise something will clear for you.

07.08.2004, 02:45
If to consider or examine;survey an exhibition as for znakomstv-anything stremnogo I in it or this do not see a place:))) The same as I do not see anything bad in taverns:) it is simple from your words the impression was made, that problem Lany consists that she is in an improper place during improper time, and it at all so. So it is possible to agree and that " serious girls in streets do not get acquainted ", but in fact the life proves obratnoe-still as get acquainted, and most advantageously! To meet it is possible everywhere, Lana, there would be a desire. Perhaps, you neuvereny in itself? And can be be afraid to take a great interest seriously that in the further it was not necessary to be disappointed?

10.08.2004, 02:33
I too do not consider or count it stremnym. protsto it seems to me strange, that the very young girl (from its or her words) spends the most part of leisure in taverns. Notice, she has not written in "cafe" or "restaurant", namely " so in taverns with men tusujus ". And about to get acquainted where and with whom - in it or this you are right, sometimes in SUCH places get acquainted:)))). Also live after that longly and happily. Business, leaves, not in a place and not in time, and in the person. Let will listen to Alexey's advice or council.

10.08.2004, 05:13
And here still that, I have not understood, Lana, you met the young man some years and he all this time achieved affinity? Toest, there were no at you close relations? And you then were surprised, what it or he has still a girl? Or you considered or counted, what you MCH to be going to become the Monk? No, in bed at once to jump it is not necessary, but also some years with it or this to pull. .hm. .prostite and what MCH it will sustain? Can the matter is that you of not correctly submit? It is bad, when about the girl speak, that she rasposlednjaja. .no and to submit itself to men so, that DO NOT APPROACH or SUIT, at chyom-NEVER, it still to be able it is necessary. Here also do not approach or suit. Probably, you as present with a view so the man and understands, no, I am exact not for it or her.

13.08.2004, 08:44
Well if ours Lane years 15 then all is clear.

14.08.2004, 15:22
Here demands to men I have not seen something!
State though in general. There can be you actually very clever girl (in additives beautiful), and men pochemu-that are afraid of clever women, but I do not understand their pavors. One I can tell or say - in parties on taverns good you will not meet anything, only will be disappointed even more in a life. With me it would be very interesting to you, but our ways will never be crossed, on that I and Skilled! Sincerely I wish
Successes in your further life, all will be good.

14.08.2004, 19:43
Logically, malyshka! You not the lesbian that your ways were crossed in item or point And with Lanoj though you never can tell...

The anonym
15.08.2004, 20:28
If Skilled has solved, that Lana the clever girl after that she here has written... GMMMMM! She a silly woman juvenile! From a post all is visible! To Her have offered mass of variants of the decision of a problem, and she has not understood any and has not accepted!

The anonym
19.08.2004, 02:13
Can. Though to that advice or councils will be useful to another ((((

20.08.2004, 03:17
Vo-the first I not a silly woman. Vo-the second I am far not maloletka and me much more, than 15. V-the third if you consider or count, that I do not do or make conclusions of that here is written, you are not right.
This young man about whom I have written, was mine the neighbour and we did not meet it or him, and he simply often came to me on a visit. I then a vein one, rented the apartment. Though in every possible way showed the sympathy to me. Then it seemed to me, that anything greater, except for friendship at us cannot be (it there was my opinion), therefore and with it or him I did not suppose affinity. And then late became. Besides, when we have met, this girl at it or him already was and was during all time of our dialogue. And I think, that my problem also that I do not show the person that he is pleasant to me and that he to me is desired. And know why? I am afraid, that about me will think as if I run after.
Besides, I work since morning till the night. And when I of hours in 11 12 come crawling home at me one idea - to have a sleep!

The anonym
21.08.2004, 02:53
To be a silly woman, it is not necessary to be juvenile. Especially at your "solid" age it is necessary to understand, that the opinion surrounding is only their opinion. If do not wish to show the person the sympathies and what he to you is desired as he learns or finds out how you concern to it or him;them? More likely he will think, that is indifferent to you and not begins to spend for you the time. Gde-that here on konfe on this subject the citation of someone's husband was already resulted or brought: " If you would give me on the first appointment - to me became uninteresting, if would not give after 3 4 go, would find to yourself another! " For accuracy I do not warrant or vouch but has washed off such. If do not wish to vary, find to itself the psychic - they are able to read ideas. But nobody will give a guarantee, that he will think, that you and in ideas on it or him are hung up.

The humming-bird
22.08.2004, 01:50
Children or Guys, up to insults have lowered or omitted! A silly woman, not a silly woman!!! Well such. The person in eyes did not see even.

25.08.2004, 05:01
To show feelings and to state sympathy not too most, what to be run after! To me in general the majority of familiar people are nice also I can easily tell or say it or him about it or this, pohvalit, pay a compliment, and on a neck I can hang, only at own husband. By the way about compliments... Monday, morning... All preliminary ploughed the ground on farms... To one lady to not be unbent, a radiculitis. Hardly moving, grumbles about an old age, on what I to her otvechaju-the old age near to you sleeps!!!! (she and the truth umnichka), on what she responds me... .konechno series with me an old age... Sleeps... It was necessary for young to leave in marriage! But about radiculites all have forgotten amicably.

25.08.2004, 21:50
And when it Nika has time to hang for a while on necks of another's husbands, to plough the ground, to bring up children and constantly to stick out on psihushke. You esteem about modern "business" of lady, already pavors take. You on farms of butterflies catch?