Просмотр полной версии : I try to find something in the Internet on the problem, but in any way yet poluch...

23.08.2004, 09:05
I try to find something in the Internet on the problem, but in any way it does not turn out yet. There can be you will prompt where to look or see. The matter is that I very illegibly speak. As my relatives speak, I chew words and I do not finish speaking the termination or ending of words. When I watch or keep up the speech it's OK, but at usual dialogue I forget about it or this, and people often do not understand, that I speak. When has started to speak fluently in English, has noticed, that there were same problems. Recently has met the person which speaks as. It was a cultural shock! Really I speak as illegibly?! After some dialogue with it or him, I have understood, that it is necessary to me is urgently borrowed or occupied by the speech. I do not have problems of a stammering, a pronunciation, I easily speak rapid speeches (this or thus the first, that I tried or tasted). Psychologically dialogue with people is not for me difficulty. Probably root of a problem that I subconsciously wish to tell or say as much as possible in unit of time... I do not know. Prompt, please, uprazhenija or where it is possible to find the information in this occasion.

Bobrov A.E.
24.08.2004, 01:05
Most likely at you so-called " speech greedily ". You can be helped or assisted by experts from the speech center. Look on help.

25.08.2004, 01:29
Thanks. I abroad now, do not know when I shall arrive to Russia. Has looked in a Yandex. Has found pair methods of treatment of logoneuroses (interestingly, mikrofon-kompjuter-headphones). About " speech greedily " anything is not present, only in the directory the code of disease is specified, and what is it and as with these or it;this to struggle is not present. What is the logoneurosis? " Speech greedily " is a version of a logoneurosis? Hereditary can be? The grandmother spoke, that the father as in a youth spoke, at the brother too similar is observed.