Просмотр полной версии : Dear interlocutors and darlings sobesednitsy. Here what the question, kotory has ripened...

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The old Miller
16.07.2004, 18:34
Dear interlocutors and darlings sobesednitsy. Here what the question which was to be ventilated has ripened. A situation such. There is a normal family from two person. The husband and the wife. The husband since morning till the night works much. Well, say, for 13 14 hours per day. Always in such regimen. The husband takes (absolutely voluntary) sometimes Saturdays or Sundays. Works - rabotaet-rabotaet-works. The husband builds career. Thus fetuses of this career are reaped by both members of family and even suprugoj in a greater measure. It is pleasant to the wife, that the husband builds career. The mother-in-law (the remarkable wonderful mother-in-law) - in delight of that the father-in-law builds career. Good. Has bothered hypotheses. It is my situation. It I constantly work, it I do not happen almost at home. Money I bring in the house enough. The comprehensible sum for the person of the age. It I build career. She is my mother-in-law me it is happy or enough:) All of money which I earn, I give the wife and I ask, that she spent for herself as much as possible much. At me ideal as it seems to me, the wife, not rastratchitsa and not tranzhira. It or her sometimes even it is necessary to persuade to buy or purchase something to itself. And I for two a year of our marriage or spoilage have never given up to the beauty in purchase to something. However, the wife is modest in the inquiries. Unfortunately. To my regret, certainly. And so. I rabotaju-rabotaju-work, similarly to the tireless mechanism under the name the conveyor:) The wife too a little bit works, but absolutely a little bit. She asked suit it or her on this job, my father suited it or her, and she potihonechku there sits. Simply for dialogue. To not sour at home in loneliness. And so - suddenly there was very strange and NOT clear problem FOR me, connected with idea of repair and in general a life. The wife wants, that I took part or participated in our life. That is, I, certainly, take part or participate in process of forces and now (a floor to vacuum, occasionally a nail to beat, all such), but she consider or count, that I I have withdrawn from a life and, in general the pathological idler, and to work is ready only for greater or big money. I speak her: Dear, but in fact the LIFE is YOUR part of a common cause! I earn the normal sum and immediately I bring it or her to you. In due course, this sum becomes much more. Also it is my contribution. And you watch or keep up, that in the house there was an order, shirts were pure or clean, and I - full. If you consider or count, that it is time to do or make repair, means, I agree - allow to do or make repair. But what for to do or make its or his? Money is - give we shall employ workers. And she responds, indignantly: Is not present! You do not participate in the house absolutely. You have entered into a role of the sponsor and refuse to leave it or her. And in general you the idler and to work is ready only for greater or big money!!! Mda.. A situation. I have really got used to work for money, but I in fact this money for it or her yes on the house and spend all. How to be? How to understand this strange illogical position? I that to admit, believed, that if I give all myself to job (by the way, I I can not suffer or bear the job) and I bring in the house enough money those minutes rest in the working days + one day off, I can really have a rest: to do or make that nibud pleasant as for example - to esteem the book, to have a sleep (ah! To have a sleep!), To make love to the same wife, for example! And it appears, that I should PERSONALLY, ARMS or HAND TO TESTIFY or CERTIFY the INVOLVEMENT in our family life. And only when I shall spend all forces for hated job in working hours and I shall spend all the remained forces for a hated life (I can not really suffer or bear) - she will be happy or enough also I shall be considered as the comprehensible husband. But, tridtsattrirazacherezsemgrobovsprisvistom - why I HAVE no RIGHT TO SPEND KAKOE-ANY TIME In the PLEASURE? Absolutely small time. Actually half an hour in day in ponedelnik-Saturday + the Day off on Sunday (which I would like to oversleep). Ladies. Basically, a question to you. That do I do not understand? In fact when the husband wants, that you spent ALL the FORCES for that he was nakonets-that is happy or ENOUGH with YOU, you consider or count, that he HAS worn out you and start to think of divorce!!! But what to do or make to me when my charming, lovely, beautiful, remarkable wife, wants that I SPENT ALL the FORCES for that she nakonets-that was happy or enough with me though and now I spend ALMOST ALL FORCES, working on a limit of the physical opportunities, and sometimes this limit passing. In fact I work for the sake of it or her. And five hundred dollars a month have sufficed me on comfortable existence. As, darlings sobesednitsy? By the way, the similar situation is excellent described in film War Rose if who looked:) Who to me, silly, will explain. Yours faithfully, Item of M.

Lara M
17.07.2004, 11:23
Dear sir, it is formal you are absolutely right and from any point of view your correctness to challenge it is impossible (in my opinion). But, as you, probably, know, there is a Real reason and Reasonable. In my opinion you discuss szhenoj the reasonable reasons. And it is deadlock. That wanted actually by you - well under this letter I had an opinion is a worship and delights - what you super. And on this subject you are ready to speak hours and as the clever person, mask the intention. And here that does not suffice your wife... You will understand, as soon as she will start to discuss with you game rules. For example, you ask HOW MUCH NAILS In a WEEK it is considered the worthy contribution. But vd delo-that not in nails about what she to you also will tell or say. And here if you suggest to spend all the evening long together (on your general or common tastes), and the reason of discontent of the wife - in small vnimaniii, she with pleasure will start to discuss this event. Try or taste. Success. Yours faithfully,

18.07.2004, 02:24
Understand, to give advice or councils not knowing a situation eyes of your wife, very difficultly, t. To. She, probably, sees a problem other eyes. Probably, her to be simple it would be desirable with you more time and she agrees even maljarit, and a tile on walls to mould only that with YOU. And it is possible or probable, you have simply spoilt it or her also to her it would be desirable at once all and much and as the rule, does not happen. About myself I shall personally tell or say, that if my husband worked for suitably good money I would release or exempt it or him from house efforts, t much. To. Everyones there chronic weariness and zatjukannost result or bring in any scandals in family. I here personally, reading see your reports, that you are exhausted by something simply chronically. I do not wish you to offend. And then why you cannot easy explain her all just as have written here? In fact the limit to forces and patience sometimes comes. Yours faithfully, Irina.

Perfect Melnichiha
18.07.2004, 23:27
Hello, the Old Miller! I think, that it is not necessary for your wife that you nails zakolachivali, and simply there is no your attention. Directly in fact it is awkward to ask about it or this... And how " the Canadian question " in your family was solved? I to you then such answer nakatala, yes while rolled, you had time to leave from a site;-) Has broken, the truth, a heap of an applause from other visitors. With sincere sympathy, Item of M.

19.07.2004, 09:02
Strongly looks like an inferiority complex (uncertainty in). All these questions and phrases of type " I work for the sake of it or her ", " I spend almost all forces that she nakonets-that was happy or enough with me " direct at sad reflections. It is necessary to like and respect with itself. Then with your desires will be considered. A problem in you. My such opinion.

20.07.2004, 11:11
Only wished to mention " War of Roses ", as lo and behold - at you the same link! Navejalo? That concerning to female psychology: being the woman on 100 %, I shall tell or say fairly - I do not understand both Barbara Rose, and your wife. The only thing that can serve as an answer, it if predpolozhitchto you DO NOT PUT SOUL in your mutual relations, and the wife feels a hybrid of home appliances and house sobachki which (= the hybrid) should obstiryvat-obglazhivat the Owner and bring to Him in a teeth of a slipper after job, and in the rest of the time to not come across on eyes. It is difficult to you to tell or say, what is it so? Think! All over the world there is a problem of SELF-REALIZATION of women, their social demand. It is impossible to be simultaneously both the good housewife, and the good worker - something one suffers, and the discontent is vented on near. There are different women. One for eyes would suffice your attitude or relation to money and to a life. Your wife - does not suffice. I congratulate! Similar, that she is a person, but does not know, how itself to open to the full. By the way, lusters remove or take off is better!

Perfect Melnichiha - Irina
21.07.2004, 20:28
Irina, synchronously we think and synchronously mylim...

22.07.2004, 17:43
Know, the Old miller, do not bring in the house mnogo-many money, DO NOT WORK Since MORNING TILL the NIGHT, you on it have given too much attention. Be easier, and the smaller sum will suffice the wife for a life and when will not suffice work it is more. It is not necessary to close nonparticipation in home life by earning money!

The old Miller
23.07.2004, 23:16
Lovely Ulcer, about a luster are you abruptly. Five points:) Item P. S. The wife, certainly person. And the clear head.

24.07.2004, 19:00
Yes the guy, koketnichat will suffice you. Mature. Well the truth, the good person you.

The old Miller
25.07.2004, 15:39
Hello, Lara:)) My wife, by the way, Lara call. I think, you are right. I wait. Worship and vostrogov. Only I P and In name gratitude. I in fact test gratitude for its or her diligence. And externally them I show. That and my wife to not show:) Also I think, that the Real reason gde-nibud in children's complexes. And me for it or her will search very difficultly:) With uv. Item of M.

26.07.2004, 16:20
You cause respect. And " P and In ", to tell the truth, - is not present. You do or make it for yourselves

27.07.2004, 03:15
The dear Old Miller! I consider or count, that in this case your wife is not right. She should consider that you work at hated job for the sake of it or her much, that you get tired. Women can appreciate own job and own weariness, but as a rule, they not always appreciate work of the spouse. On them (women), poor and unfortunate, all life, and the husband, the swine such falls down, vanishes at job if only him anything the house to not do or make. And the husband is torn at job and tries something or something else and house to make if only dushenka beloved zhenushki it was happy or enough. How much time I collided or faced with a similar situation! How much to the woman do not give (money, heat, attention, care, etc.), her all the same will be a little. It is sincerely a pity husbands.

27.07.2004, 21:02
Yes it is time to you to give birth or travail to the child!

The old Miller
28.07.2004, 10:08
Perfect Melnichiha, hi:)) You all still here - as I am glad!!! I have had time to read through your posting about kanade, have not had time to write only the answer - have worn out me, goods of the good fellow. But know - I join an applause of public:) And the wife can and there is no attention. I it at home seldom happen:) With deep-rooted sympathy - the Old Miller.

The old Miller
28.07.2004, 14:08
Perfect Melnichiha, hi:)) You all still here - as I am glad!!! I have had time to read through your posting about kanade, have not had time to write only the answer - have worn out me, goods of the good fellow. But know - I join an applause of public:) And the wife can and there is no attention. I it at home seldom happen:) With deep-rooted sympathy - the Old Miller.

29.07.2004, 09:24
And what, you the wife absolutely up to feni? In sense it is not interesting? On which she is necessary if to not communicate. The housewife is more favourable for employing for money.

The old Miller
30.07.2004, 04:26
Nina, I not koketnichaju. I describe a real situation from which I do not see an output or exit. Here a forum or molchalka. ru? Item of M.

The old Miller
30.07.2004, 23:58
Darling Oksana, it is very pleasant, when your ideas vyskazyvvaet other person. Yes. Here it that I think when my wife starts to become angry. But!... On mine all is a little bit more complex or difficult. Therefore I ask advice or council. Item:)

01.08.2004, 14:13
And a stumbling-block - only repair? As to the woman who should be engaged in it or this most, I can tell or say, that dialogue with loaders, sanitary technicians and so forth - not the most pleasant in a life, and everyone try - to the beginning naparit (well, type - baba-the silly woman, that how much does not understand). Here character is necessary. The wife, capable to give or allow worthy repulse to the loader is necessary to you? - to it or this, it is better in given question to take organizats. The part vse-taki on itself, as though not is impossible it to you, well, or to sign whom (the brother, the father, the father-in-law).

To V from Vick not so seriously
02.08.2004, 01:00
Here by the way and what for she (wife) is necessary?:))))) Present: the serious boy, present or true professinal in the business, likes the job, money suffices: all has material benefits, a facilities or an economy on the servant, sex at will of (maids as muds, it it is completely not obligatory that putana), for dialogue - friends to the colleague edinomyshleniki (not the fact, that the wife will pull your I.Q. and will be up to standard)..

There is not captured only one: a birth of children... Better certainly in marriage or spoilage..
What you think?

02.08.2004, 08:06
Vik-e. That I think... Sadly all this. We go to professionalism in all - and the wife will be a post... And children to bring up, and in passing to play a role tamagochi.

To V from Vick
03.08.2004, 07:42
Why it is sad??:)))
But nobody will pull down a brain "nails" on kitchen or cuisine, nobody will ask on a life what for why you do or make so instead of here so. You are free, you have more than opportunities, at you it will be more interesting a life, you will have a choice - always..

04.08.2004, 17:04
Yes. On mine IMHO, business in self-realization. Well she has not turned out at the woman karera-in the child of force puts, poluchilas-in job, and very vigorous everywhere is in time. And at the wife With. there is a life where she and would like to enclose herself, thus having felt the demand, instead of konveernost. As the person, living near to the leader (and With. it or him, certainly, is), she goes with a problem to it or him;them, instead of solves all, that would give her feeling of confidence and independence. Not clearly why it is chosen motiv-to do or make by the arms or hand. Probably, to a problem nerealizovannosti the problem of absence of joint interests is added. So outputs or exits are: 1) to give birth to the kinder (the truth, is fear, that she will find or consider its or his realization and With. will drive on job that did not gleam) 2) to think of joint scheduled leisure. And is better (if the wife the clear head) - to adapt chemu-nibud-let tongues learns or teaches it or her, let the second education receives to employ not dialogue for the sake of, and with sense.

The old Miller
06.08.2004, 01:58
Vick. Not. You are not right. I the admirer of known product under the name "Godfather". I not a bachelor at heart. Greater or big amicable family, respectful umnenkie grandsons by an old age. I like the wife:) very much even I like. I simply wish to understand its or her logic. In fact here it is a lot of women, at this forum. Here also help or assist me:) I Shall be immensely grateful:) With uva. Item of M.