Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Why during panic attack there is a sensation nerealn...

23.08.2004, 11:07
Why during panic attack there is a sensation unreality of the world, any veil before eyes, as in a dream. It is vascular reaction? Or any another?

Bobrov A.E.
24.08.2004, 08:56
You describe a status of a derealization, which is frequent (but it is not obligatory) it is marked or celebrated at panikah. It is connected by that the strong alarm leads to disturbances of a self-consciousness and according to change of perception of world around. Vascular reaction here at anything. It is the psychological phenomenon quite often arising at many or much paroksizmalnyh statuses. Probably, that its or his occurrence testifies also to exaltation of some specific departments of the central nervous system. However biological mechanisms of it or this are not studied or investigated yet.