Просмотр полной версии : My God!!! Help or assist who nibut! At me the good husband: careful, vnimateln...

21.08.2004, 15:01
My God!!! Help or assist who nibut! At me the good husband: careful, close or attentive probably, not pretentious, that polozhesh that also will eat. But I feel, that he more strongly me irritates all. That he did not do or make, he reduces all to sex. Me already toshnit from it or this. Yes, after a birth of the daughter, seven years ago, feelings of passion and an inclination have left or abandoned me. Probably I became frigid. That was pleasant to me earlier, now irritates and shchekatit. We speak with it or him enough otkravenno. I not against that he has got or started to itself(himself) the mistress and have lagged behind me with the harassments. But he to spite exasperates me. As to me to him to explain, that to me in bed who is not necessary. JAhochu rest and all. As the father he good and vnimanelnyj, and the husband not bad, but only till the night. And at night I am afraid in anger of myself. As to me to calm it or him. I shall not give divorce to him. At us the daughter.
But how it or him to calm at night??? Help or assist differently I shall be broken.... Ideas such already visit or attend. HELP or ASSIST!

The anonym
21.08.2004, 20:34
It to the sexopathologist, and personally. A problem at you, with the husband that's all right, be pleased, that he continues to show in you interest, despite of such casting-off of you. Your problem is solved simply by means of the expert, not on the Internet. And the husband ask to wait any time while you solve it or her. Otherwise will lose family and will regret hundred times about it or this.

Dana `
22.08.2004, 21:00
mda, eto nazivaetsja-s ziru besitsja... net problem-sdelaju:-)) kak ot takoj idiotki muzh ne udral tak dolgo i daleko-daleko? ne ponimaju, pocemu vot takim tak vezet s muzhjami???? egoistka i samoljubka... tfu.

The anonym
24.08.2004, 04:53
Instead of it is necessary to the husband to give divorce. Itself will leave. If it is urgent you do not address to the psychotherapist and do not solve the problem.

24.08.2004, 08:20
Dear Nadja, I would recommend you to look first of all at myself in soul or douche for answers to 2 questions: 1. Whether you like the husband? And 2. What was the true purpose of your marriage or spoilage? While at me (I the psychologist) suspicions, that the purpose of your marriage or spoilage podspudno was a birth of the child then you have ceased to perceive yourselves as the woman - only as mother...