Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. My groom lives at me three days in a week. And at this time at me...

23.08.2004, 03:05
Good afternoon. My groom lives at me three days in a week. And at this time I regularly have a constipation, during several months. When he leaves - all is normalized.

Andreev G.A., the psychologist
23.08.2004, 08:23
It is visible is an allergy at you on your future husband:)) the Joke. It at you iz-for self-suggestions. You have hammered to yourselves, that when he will arrive - at you it will be obligatory a constipation.

Bobrov A.E.
24.08.2004, 01:23
Probably, that you simply change a vital stereotype (character and frequency of reception of nutrition, a dream and wakefulness, emotsionalnost and t. Item). The intestine can react to much. Some psychoanalysts, for example, could prointerpretirovat similar constipations as symbolical expression of subconscious desire to not release or not let off the close person.