Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me a problem. I married 9 months. I suffer from at times...

20.08.2004, 07:45
The dear doctor! At me a problem. I married 9 months. I suffer from at times rasping reference or manipulation with me of the husband. He can rebuke, raise or increase sharply enough a voice thus. Vspylchiv, in other words. All this at it or him quickly passes or takes place, he at once tries to correct a situation and continues to behave as if nothing has occured or happened. And I very vulnerable person, and roughness upset me up to tears. Many times spoke with it or him on this subject. He speaks, that I am too vulnerable, that is silly so to be upset iz-for trifles, what is it he not from a harm, cannot sometimes understand at all, that it is possible to take offence at sharply told or said word. And after a while all repeats. I in despair. He likes me, it is valid so, I it or him too. Probably, it is norm or rate for it or him. And how to be to me? In fact he before wedding was very lovely and polite. I am close or attentive and tender, never it or him I offend, and roughnesses I do not deserve. Can, kak-that - to another of a message? Nerves hand over, up to that to me is sick and is insulting. Advise, I wish to be happy, and all this spoils to me a life. To me 31 year. Very much I hope for your advice or council. In advance I thank.

The anonym
21.08.2004, 02:11
Privet ty toze ne spish? da eto k sozaleniju tak vse muziki takie. Poka, kstati ty operedila mena segodna pojdy na drygoj sajt Mozet tam uspeju

Tolokonin A.O.
22.08.2004, 05:05
Dear Love!
If he likes you and values your mutual relations address in common to the psychotherapist or the psychologist specializing on family problems. If your husband of it or this will not want, make it independently.

23.08.2004, 20:55
Variants are possible or probable: 1. It or he is irritated with your concrete actions - find out a problem and find the mutually acceptable decision. 2. He such person - come on your-ideal. com and find out its or his type. If he Hamlet or Yesenin he will not change brightly emotional behaviour never. Or are reconciled with it or this, or miss. 3. It or he has ITS or HIS problem and she irritates it or him. The high level of trust to you that he has shared the problem is necessary. You the woman - try to find to it or him;them kljuchik. = == In any case - strongly be not upset - you while married 9 months - go grinding in of characters. At you still all ahead.