Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The doctor, a question such: disturbs a status of the brother, and the m comes...

19.08.2004, 11:43
Hello. The doctor, a question such: disturbs a status of the brother, and the idea, what is it an alienation comes. The person is not responsible for the acts, considers or counts everything, that he does or makes by true in highest authority. Approves or confirms, that parents hates (to him 22 years) that they cannot fix  up for a job it or him, and in general considers or counts as their near people. Idles, does not show any interest to any employment or occupation on a life (though koe-as nevertheless has finished institute). Has started to take things from the parent house and to sell them, down to values. Authorities at various times are for it or him different friends during such time it is easy or light to them to convince it or him of something. Repeatedly asked in a duty or debt (without results) greater or big sums from us with the husband, not explaining, on what. At conversation, in eyes the behaviour, in general, not so natural does not look also. I am afraid, it can lead to something serious sooner or later. Help or assist advice or council (we live not in Moscow), on what is it similar? How to help or assist him, in fact to the psychiatrist he will not go voluntary. On narcotics not similar. He such from school. With physical health that's all right.
Thanks in advance. Very much I wait your answer.

The anonym
20.08.2004, 10:28
As raz-taki it is similar to narcotics

20.08.2004, 15:47
I wait the answer of the expert. I notice such unnatural behaviour at it or him already very much for a long time, from school and as the narcomaniac he does not look or appear.

21.08.2004, 12:25
There can be a continuous schizophrenia, the simple form. And there can be a unstable psychopathy (easier speaking, weak-willed character). In any case try to show the psychiatrist (cause or call home) as anybody without inspection will not write out necessary medicines.

23.08.2004, 08:49
Very much on geboidnyj a syndrome similar... Very seriously. How much or As far as I understand, your brother at the desire to the doctor will not go? It is necessary in regional PND to address to the psychiatrist - simply to the doctor to talk, he will tell or say what to do or make further and how to examine the brother without its or his consent.