Просмотр полной версии : Why women so artfully play a map srebenkom, we like not less...

17.08.2004, 00:15
Why women so artfully play a map srebenkom, we like the small children not less, and on court children always remain it or him if only they not narkomanki or abruptly take alcoholic drinks.

18.08.2004, 14:37
Simply not brains have all, and when the child podrastet and will ask and where the daddy, the pilot the tester will tell or say to be on business trip, and lokotok to not get.

19.08.2004, 23:48
It in the former CIS so, and in the USA and the Europe both of the parent in an identical situation. Often children live a floor of year smamoj and a floor of year with the daddy

21.08.2004, 02:07
Would kill those who gets or starts children and then to get divorced.

21.08.2004, 14:49
Voobshche-that in court at divorce both the parent have the peer rights and in our countries. Give arguments, that you - are better also the child remains with you. And in general, CHILDREN DO NOT GET or START. Get or start hamsters or cars ((

22.08.2004, 20:37
At me pochemu-that impression develops, that on the contrary, men manipulate detmi-type at you now the child more and anywhere you will not get to, will dance under my pipe (and greater or big love to children at men I do not remember when met. Children for acknowledgement or confirmation of own courage, instead of as close people are more necessary to men