Просмотр полной версии : Dear men! If somebody from you, being free, got or started the novel with...

16.08.2004, 00:43
Dear men! If somebody from you, being free, got or started the novel with zamuzhnej the woman, share, please, the sensations. As a rule, if the woman meets with married the man, she feels dovolno-taki humiliating. It would be desirable to learn or find out, that the man feels, being in position of the lover. Really also it is excruciated?

17.08.2004, 01:54
It is excruciated.... Already chokes with the stolen piece. Usually, the men not capable of independent novels, podvorovyvajut at others. - shakalinomu it.

17.08.2004, 05:35
Feels the winner. And still considers or counts, that in family not all by way of times has agreed with it or him;them to spend time. And why also is not present if to do or make it beautifully, not giving or allowing the slightest occasion to the husband something to suspect. And the lover allows to be pulled out or escape for a while from bytovuhi, with it or him kak-feelings would be updated. The main thing to understand, what is it temporarily.

17.08.2004, 23:43
devchyonki, you know, what chustvuet the man during sex with own wife after another?
I think, it also is strong, as, we shall admit or allow, for just given birth mother, suggest to be laid by a diaper which before her was in using its or her neigbour with fresh traces of a blood and vydeleny. As, have presented... .oshchutili? Something in the same spirit. And in the rest, perfect marquis, all is good, all ho-ro-sho!,)

19.08.2004, 13:50
What bright comparison! And I only wished to admit to the husband, that I to him have changed, but now I shall not be. Vse-taki at men very thin nature. It is a pity only, what not all from them understand, that the woman also feels fastidiousness if to her have changed. And my lover is excruciated only because, that wishes to see me more often. Calls every day. Probably, still wants me. So I shall wait, while it or he will be not not got with these occurrings, otmerjannye on a ruler.

Love oshnu
21.08.2004, 00:30
Happens, that in zamuzhnih fall in love, happens, that them like, descend or go on them from mind or wit and beat off them at husbands. It shows a life, and it speaks as what not all of the man such zhloby, as OSHN, (which though laid down with zamuzhnimi women in bed, by an available experience, but it is visible itself plainly did not know, what for he did or made it)

21.08.2004, 06:21
The love - is not necessary the right, you have not driven at all in told or said oshn.

21.08.2004, 13:04
Yes what here it is excruciated... With zamuzhnej the woman in fact it is more convenient: will fly - not terribly, in marriage for you will not ask. The unique disadvantage - should most be erased socks...

22.08.2004, 07:10
Yes too as with any liked woman, zamuzhnie on the one hand are convenient that their life is arranged, but on the other hand they constantly calculate minutes of arrival of the husband home, schedules of lessons of children, etc.

22.08.2004, 10:49
Greetings to all. Here I have still divided or undressed for whom she married. If its or her husband my friend - that is the extremely unpleasant. And more than one two occurrings does not happen with such at me. If unfamiliar - any dyscomfort.

22.08.2004, 18:04
To Victor. And you already at all friends and friends
Wives peretrahal? the has not got, so on another's