Просмотр полной версии : I have understood last time, that for me ochen-are very important money. At me ho...

The pussycat
28.07.2004, 14:27
I have understood last time, that for me ochen-are very important money. At me the good salary, and for daily needs suffices me. But we with liked do not have apartment. We remove or take out awful habitation, tk as something another to remove or take off - dearly or expensively, and with parents to live - too hardly. We discussed an opportunity of purchase of the habitation, the credit (he earns nearby 2 3 thousand dollars) with it or him, but he has told or said: excuse, hardly, to me still mum to contain it is necessary so to give it will be difficult. It has appeared, that he gives mum monthly 600 dollars. Plus mobile pays. Mum the pensioner, does not work. I was in surprise. What for to the pensioner who goes only to shop, in dear or expensive medicines does not require, so much money? I understand, she has grown up the son one, he adores it or her, to help or assist it is necessary, but so much? At me after payment of an apartment, mobile remains much less. Than 600 dol. However, he buys products, but I at job itself pay a delivery. And I also should look or appear decently, with clients I work, interiors, good clothes - it is indispensable. And health not absolutely by way of. My parents, by the way, together on 600 dolarov live. And anything, consider or count, that all is excellent or different. And in fact they too elderly. Also are ready to me money for an apartment to help or assist. You will tell or say, I with Adeps and with envy rage. Likely, are right. But I very much would like to have the apartment. And that in fact children can appear... And in such shed to live has bothered. Therefore to me everyones duratsie ideas in a head come. That somebody from (its or his) relatives has died and tp. I understand, it is awful, I of anybody actually could not kill or wish mors. But I am am frightened very much with such ideas that they occur. Here and polshuchaetsja a vicious circle. probelmu to solve it is impossible, and I am excruciated. Can, I am simple very greedy and egoistichnaja?

The anonym
01.08.2004, 02:15
2 3 tys in a month? + yours z/p and you cannot remove or take off a decent apartment?

04.08.2004, 10:11
Can it is necessary to take the mortgage or to remove or take off decent habitation. However, better vse-taki own. And how much he to mum daet-its or his this business though mnogovato, half would suffice also, but here to him to solve. And eshche-money not the main thing, do not lose mind iz-for them. Though I can not disagree, that presence of enough of these papers facilitates our life.

The pussycat
08.08.2004, 01:46
The decent apartment will cost dollars 500. It is Not less. And thus all the same - to the all you will not make. Also is insulting to give more half of salary another's to the uncle. I understand, it is possible to like parents strongly. We much are obliged by it or him. But thus to me too it is insulting: I stick as bobik, and the basic problem to not solve. The mortgage could be taken, but the percent or interest big vse-taki not for one year in servitude to leave. And if I shall become pregnant? Money becomes a little. Here also I think sometimes: what a pity, that relatives not aged still... Itself I am horrified, as I could think such! I would not like, that my children or grandsons so about me thought...

08.08.2004, 07:58
And can buy or purchase an apartment in the nearest Moscow suburbs, there is much cheaper. Or plohonkuju odnushku in hrushchobe. The main thing, that the habitation. And then there can and be an opportunity to get something better.

11.08.2004, 15:48
You make an awful sin, dreaming on the quiet about mors of the relatives. It would not clothe in what lovely words of repentance, the short is awful. Also is absolutely inadmissible to apply for money which he gives mother. You should not think of an apartment, and education in yourselves of unselfishness. And your beloved the room question, similar, not so disturbs. It does not guard you?

15.08.2004, 12:15
To repetition yours slova-you rage with Adeps. A pancake, yes for such salary it is possible to remove or take off a decent one-room apartment, it will cost in district of 350 dollars, or eventually to take the mortgage. And money always does not happen much. How much do not earn, all will be a little. We live three together on 600 dollars, moreover the machine or car have on credit bought or purchased, and anything, not noem. Easier or simply, if to lay down for itself the aim it is possible for the sake of it or her and to be pressed down, it is less belongings to buy, and is cheaper, products poproshe and can be saved always.

16.08.2004, 16:40
The PUSSYCAT! You simply become stupid devitsa-wish to eat also a small fish and on.... To sit down.. SO does not happen!!! And here to think why your darling the habitation the general or common does not want to get with you-..... Think, there can be because dloja you a main thing of money in a life? He the boy apparently not silly.. Live the pocket, instead of it or him. I know people which and with smaller incomes and apartments get and in holidays on two times a year go... So treat a head

20.08.2004, 07:24
And I thought in family the general or common budget... How then raschityvat the future life if to not know where the husband of money puts? Search for the variant, and at all of you it will turn out:)

The pussycat
21.08.2004, 13:49
About the general or common habitation. Yes not against he! Simply he not so wishes to compress itself(himself). He considers or counts, what is it to have to an owl habitation fine, but here I more likely on myself to spare it shall begin or start, and he on myself hardly. And I at it or him do not ask money. Also I do not consider it necessary to ask. Myself I provide. And for it or him, by the way, money 6 are less important. Only he repeats all time: well I shall work less, it is less to earn, and hardly it is necessary to us, and mum - especially! I should remember her! On the one hand, it is good that about cares of mum. I and itself can take care of myself. But vse-taki, me it is insulting, that with mum so are worn, and with me and my interests is not present. Though I for it or him do or make all...

21.08.2004, 23:52
And I thought, that the joint habitation means joint investments. He can is not ready to home life?