Просмотр полной версии : Uvazaemii doktor, pozaluista otvette chto takoe " sensomotornii psichosintes...

20.08.2004, 10:06
Uvazaemii doktor, pozaluista otvette chto takoe " sensomotornii psichosintes " i kto provodit
takoe lechenie dlya ludeyi stradauschih schizophreniey. Eta informatia mozet pomoch moemu
17 letnemu sinu s takim diagnozom. Spacibo.

Bobrov A.E.
21.08.2004, 21:56
I think, that it is a question of one of versions t. n. A psychosynthesis. I can tell or say nothing about its or his efficiency at a schizophrenia, t. To. Usually such techniques are applied at neurosises and anomalies of character. Try to learn or find out more in detail on ph. 302 20 18, to ask doctor Babin.