Просмотр полной версии : I get tired (morally) of all in the life. A principal cause probably in the son (22...

18.08.2004, 23:00
I get tired (morally) of all in the life. A principal cause probably in the son (22 years). Drinks often and pomnogu. Two times were thrown by institute. For last year has replaced three places of job. Patients of does not recognize. Therefore to be treated for an alcoholism does not want. How to convince of necessity of treatment? Or already most it is time to me to be treated for something? Itself I drink moderately, on holidays. It would be desirable to hope for the best, but a lumen I do not see.

20.08.2004, 03:20
Personally to you late something to do or make. The son already adult person. Problems of psychological character at it or him are. To recover from alcoholic dependence n should want itself. As he already adult also is obliged to be independent, the best way to not give or allow him on what money and to not feed. Let itself provides. Many people in such conditions become reasonable, if feel, that the family from them turns away. And if will know, that it or him never will leave and will support or maintain, will mount upon a neck.

21.08.2004, 04:49
It do not agree radically with the Bug. In a life all happens also people and fall and rise, do or make mistakes or errors, search for itself. 22 years for the guy are not mature age, he is obliged to be independent, but whether he is able to do or make it, in fact still can and nedoponimat more many. It is necessary to find in itself forces and to struggle for the son, to try to carry away it or him something another, in a life in fact many interesting things, to find children of the friends leading other way of life and to try to acquaint them, etc. Believe, some parents have pulled out the children even from a narcomania. Do not lower or omit an arm or a hand. In fact, if you will turn away from the son now, he can turn away and from you in an old age, or absolutely lower or omit.

Kiseleva E.J.
21.08.2004, 19:54
Hello, Serzh! Really, seldom who from the present or true topers recognizes, that they are sick and that the alcoholism is a disease. Their messages on reception to the psychologist it is useless, as it is necessary for person to realize, that he is sick and to aspire to get rid of it or this. Methods a little, all of them long-term... Independently to force the person to throw very difficultly. But you mozhite to affect or influence it or him. You have written, that drinks much and often. Take a videocamera and zasnemite it or him in a status when he already borders between human behaviour and, excuse for roughness, "pig". Scroll this Membranula or film to your son. Let will look or see at itself from, words for it or him do not play any role. A picture an another matter. I have offered this exercise to you from one big program for the toper and its or his relatives. And in general any dependence is a leaving or care from external problems, that already has so got that at the person arms or hand fall. If there are questions mozhite to communicate on imejlu.