Просмотр полной версии : And more! I have given on one of sites the announcement of acquaintance on correspondence (through...

11.08.2004, 06:50
And more! I have given on one of sites the announcement of acquaintance on correspondence (in midday it or he should be removed!) and so why that the people who have responded me, at once began to invite to meet! But we are absolutely not familiar! It was necessary all "otshit"!) And my box again is empty! So, write to me, please, my old correct FRIENDS!))

12.08.2004, 10:33
And the brother has already got me: place the announcement through the Internet about acquaintance and all here. And in any way you will not explain to the person, that all this lazha and the pretty blonde 90 60 90 can quite appear any djadechkoj.

13.08.2004, 20:03
nesmejana, it and is clear. In the basic mass people have nothing to tell or say each other, who is not enough really is able obshchatsja-to communicate, instead of to miss, only on pair... Also what by it or him to do or make? Certainly, at once vstretitsja-all progress....

14.08.2004, 20:53
In vain you, madam, leave the address on similar sites...

16.08.2004, 06:47
Dragon yes do not frighten you it or her, and that is exact vozmyot and will be frightened! I think she already all has realized;))

17.08.2004, 17:59
nesmejana, I congratulate you, nuzheli? But, vo-the first, on what you have taken offence, unless you not same as a matter of fact want? And, vo-the second, what for so to react gipertrofirovanno, as if you the girl and yesterday were born? Well, would look or see, that write, for certain, much all ridiculous and interesting, and there you look something has come, that you would interest. Also it is necessary to realize, what time zamuzhnjaja lady, not 16 years so it is possible to want from it or her, not a seat under the Moon on a shop, the truth?

19.08.2004, 02:54
2-and vse-taki I have correctly written to you!)))
2Katya-and what you then here do or make, if at all of you in porjade?)))
2-it agree! At once on potrahushki, and then it is possible and to descend or go at cinema, on last series!))

19.08.2004, 16:42
2 Katya: no, not only loonies. And in i-not those everyone at whom with a head not by way of, also there is nothing to hesitate of it or this!))) Normal mentally and to psychologically balanced person i-is not present it is not necessary. Well he will look or see the news, and all. And in what country you live?

21.08.2004, 05:55
Katyas, I once again povtorju-dialogue here not absolutely usual. I do not remember exact adresa-on sites psihfaka mos. University there was a material about internet-dialogue, and I completely with them soglasen-here am the certain questions, and psychopathology including. To write longly, a reluctance.