Просмотр полной версии : Interestingly, old elderly men for 60 at this age already can nothing...

14.08.2004, 18:20
Interestingly, old elderly men for 60 at this age already can nothing in the sex plan? And so if they can nothing, they in general lose interest to an opposite floor, or are not present? If they flirt, koketnichajut, constantly strive gde-nibud to catch and kiss in shchechku, - means they not impotents? Empirical by I would not like to check it at all. It is simply interesting to me, how you think? Thanks. ZHuzha

15.08.2004, 09:06
I, certainly, not the man)) and not 60 years)
But I assure, want, can also interest show to all)))))))))))))
And what you have against impotents? Well than they are worse?)) as you, the darling, underestimate them)
The some people and at younger age are able nothing and do not want (
Remember? All age are obedient to love))))))))

16.08.2004, 11:41
And here love? If a difference in the age of 30 years? Lust senile, ridiculously and oppositely... And more odinochesvtto.

16.08.2004, 23:58
From a song of words to not throw out) I too not about love and about kisses in shchechku.
As if to such raznitsy-well the some people allow then to use. Cynically so to use. Though even our modern history knows many cases successful svjazej-Romashin, Tabakov, the same Eremenko-younger (it is possible or probable, the difference was a little bit less). All very individually.
Personally I am pleased, when the person does not lose interest and to this party or side zhizni-at any age)
And odinochestvo-it at any age and at any position is possible or probable, someone searches for an output or exit, someone lives in itself and gets used.

18.08.2004, 04:59
I of the grandfather zastukal on wedding with osistentkoj, on a mow, to the grandfather was 72 years.) Interess was and up to 91 go year - joked constantly of this subject)

18.08.2004, 16:42
impotentskaja privychka-lapat to kiss in shchechku and other "innocent" and as though accidentally corporal contacts. And still they very much like about it or this to speak, and especially it is pleasant to them, when they see, that it confuses the woman, or it is unpleasant to her. It raises or excites them, but the only thing chto-erections does not come, or very short-term... .-cannot - chelovecheski-therefore so itself and conduct.

19.08.2004, 17:30
The herring by that than is hammered at you boshka, you radilas in a climacterium.)

21.08.2004, 00:39
The herring by that than is hammered at you boshka, you were born in a climacterium.)