Просмотр полной версии : Nadjush, greetings! Excuse, yesterday could not write. So, I am accepted for vypoln...

Renata to Hope
08.08.2004, 02:02
Nadjush, greetings! Excuse, yesterday could not write. So, I am accepted to performance of "tasks". You know, I never subconsciously or osoznanno did not aspire to any certain type of men.
In fact never you know, why you like this or that. All kak-that occurs or happens by itself, spontaneously. And as to second "task" perhaps such case among my friends is not present. At all the problems, only scales vary.
Hope if it is possible more in detail about attitudes or relations with the father. Everyone speak, what is it important, but in what concrete image it influences the further mutual relations with men, I, fairly, yet do not understand. Thanks.

The anonym
09.08.2004, 04:26
Obchyno in the man you search for type of the father at a subconscious level, irrespective of your desires.

09.08.2004, 18:08
Anything podpbnogo! What for to search similar on svaego for the father, though looking what father at whom. Personally I always iskalk such person, katory did not beat bi is similar to the father, and had no bi it or him privichek, irritates me simply. Has once met one so at it or him beat eyes maego bati, well so to that from etogo it is pleasant, when smotrish to him in eyes and vidish before itself batju, instead of who has thought as with thus " in love to be engaged?

11.08.2004, 05:00
Greetings, Renata! As a rule, that the child did not have in the further problems with an opposite floor, the parent of an opposite floor should like it or him very much. It should learn the girl to dialogue with men. If close spiritual communication or connection with the father was not, if the father was indifferent or, that is even worse, is dissatisfied with a daughter, as a rule the woman complains of same "signs" and concerning men. Good. If you cannot generalize the men, there is a concrete advice or council in your case: how on the bill of your contempoparies or young men is younger than you? You Understand, it can and is cynical, but for you the man from which you could mould " an ideal under yourself " would be ideal. What you in this occasion think?

11.08.2004, 22:44
Nonsenses! What means " to mould under itself "? The Adult the man you will not alter! He can be arranged under the girlfriend for some time while at it or him there has not passed or there has not taken place euphoria of feelings, and then to become such what was, with the generated outlook. Anybody should "mould" nobody! Otherwise and men will want to mould us. Already it will turn out, that on the sample and similarity of mothers. If to start with your theory, Hope (I with completely agree) then contact to the father and then all rest will already be adjusted is better all over again to try to find. At me was as: I did not have a contact to the father, there was mutual, constant, at times a senseless discontent the friend the friend about my 18 years more likely. It awfully excruciated me, though I and tried to show apathy that I shall do without its or his comprehension and perception me such what I am with pride. And, actually, I too could not find contact to boys, similarly to Renate. Shodilas-missed also itself did not know, that it is necessary for me. Then I have tried to live separately from parents, and have then returned, have looked or seen at all from the adult point of view, and have become bored or have missed on both parents and then has already understood, that actually we very much with it or him are similar on character, only everyone could not find to each other the approach in due time. It was found out, that he too wanted it or this, but too was proud. We have looked against each other - to another and have realized, that similar we think and we understand each other though so till now and we do not share secret - there is no such habit (though both we are interested secret affairs each other unless we learn or we find out about it or this from mum). And as soon as attitudes or relations with the father were adjusted, at me private life was adjusted also. That and you, Renata, I wish.

The anonym
13.08.2004, 13:29
Vick! From the adult of the man it is possible to mould everybody, all depends on skill and desire of the sculptor.

15.08.2004, 01:06
Kaneshna, we such wise cynical women that we want - that and turn back, whom we want - that and we shall make to ourselves and if what not so we shall cautiously stick it or him where follows that did not deviate our curve, and that we are proud... Only... And whether it is necessary - to bring up it to itself the muzhik on our curve? It is better to find to itself close type to feel with it or him " in the plate " all this perfect life and to like its or his such, and to value it or him and that to him it was good all life for the sake of with the woman. So was and is at my parents. Recently silver wedding have played. It or him already for 50 years, and the friend without the friend cannot, and anybody the third on the party or side from them is not necessary to anybody, though there were in a life and disagreements, as at everything, and both at all angels. To mould to itself idealchik under itself in my opinion it is not necessary. There are also muzhiks who sin with it or this, and to me such has already met. To him it has left sideways as a result - it was necessary to me to leave it or him as he continued to be engaged in it or this with silent persistence.:) he kak-that and has admitted as a result, that tried " to mould from me an ideal under itself ", considered or counted, that and it is necessary to act, and has not understood, why I have not wanted to be with it or him - we approached or suited each other in his opinion. Washing opinions it is those: it is necessary to both to be arranged the friend under the friend, to search to both for the compromise (yes to it or this and you aspire if you like someone...), thus initially it there should be a person to whom the outlook is similar, interests, habits, the attitude or relation to family, to education of children, to money - then not so is complex or difficult to be arranged. Not that it should be identical but is similar should. And similarity as those starts with family of the parents who have brought up it or him - already on her it is possible to judge much. Therefore and subconsciously you search for type of the father - it was already postponed, so to say.

15.08.2004, 03:01
Excuse, Vick, I shall try you to mind. Similar, that you have put in ours with Renatoj conversation, not reading our correspondence earlier. Your version, certainly, has the right to live. And, I feel, that you seriously had been ill with it or this. But we speak about concrete case Renaty, we try to understand in itself. I assumed similar objections from visitors of conference. Here people address for the concrete help which assumes concrete steps. Apparently you are not familiar with psychology which undertakes by means of concrete actions to help or assist, instead of to estimate or appreciate a situation from feelings. Though this conference raschitana and on it. Simply in occasion of feelings in this situation many have already expressed, and we with Renatoj try to undertake something concrete. So do not judge us too strictly. And to not litter conference and not to that to not stir or prevent, I suggest RENATE to write to me on nadya7575@mail. ru. As at me access in I-is limited is not present.

16.08.2004, 01:58
And who to you prevents to understand? And who judges you, is asked? Even did not think. And on that it and conference, that EVERYONE can express the opinion on ANY question discussed here (and not just you, dear Hope) and by that by no means "does not put" in someone's conversation, "littering" with the opinion conference. To what so zealously to react, it is asked?;) however, I have already told or said everything, that wanted in this occasion, and I hope, my experience is useful not only me, but also somebody or somebody else though it is incorrect to speak, that I " seryozno have had been ill with it or this ". Eventually any situation, any life experience it is interesting in itself. I wish good luck!:)

The anonym
17.08.2004, 12:02
Vick, leave them alone. At hope, probably at the problem if so zealously " fights pro clientele " (it is necessary though gde-that pobyt "teacher", that at some women simply in a blood - constantly to learn or teach and bring up someone)

17.08.2004, 16:01
Vick, at you wise parents if the daughter is not known by whom and how much at papochki was not to the party or side. Good fellows!