Просмотр полной версии : One month ago my husband, in 27 days after wedding was lost. At me depression, I...

09.08.2004, 10:44
One month ago my husband, in 27 days after wedding was lost. At me depression, I cannot take myself in arms or hand in any way. I can not present myself near to another the man. But I am still young, me of only 20 years, as to me to be what to do or make, I cannot supervise the consciousness!

The old friend
10.08.2004, 09:39
Job, Job... If she is final liked and interesting. And so... Come here, to us:)

The anonym
11.08.2004, 16:21
Very much to you sochustvuju. That can be more terrible in a life, than lose the most liked person with whom dreamed to live all life, to have children. I think to go through this complex or difficult period in the life time is required only, it is a lot of time, give the God, that not all life. Can, through any time interval there will be in your life a new person whom pomozhe to you to overcome a pain and sufferings.
And now can go to church, will pray, to put a suppository, can talk to the father. It seems to me, from it or this it becomes easier. I wish with all my heart you to go through it.

Advice or Council
12.08.2004, 20:37
And you think about IT or him who have left. Your sufferings to him now very much STIR or PREVENT.

13.08.2004, 13:51
I try to not think, distract kak-that, but these ideas, memoirs.. So it is sick, that toshnit and fingernails or nails hurt. This feeling of pity to me from friends, yes they try to behave - former, but I see that, how me it is a pity to them. I do not want, that me regretted!

The anonym
14.08.2004, 16:50
It should be gone through. And it or this needs TIME.

The anonym
15.08.2004, 00:20
And more, it is not necessary while to try to imagine something... Has passed or Has taken place not enough time.

15.08.2004, 16:16
I have lost liked one year ago, she died at me on arms or hand many hours, and has admitted, that has betraid me and all our attitudes or relations were lie. I drank first time much and it seemed, that my life became any senseless dream in which there is no point of a leg and nobody can be believed. But during any moment there was an idea: " Who is excited with yours to mountain? In fact anybody will not help or assist you, silly to hope on someone except for and you and will die, not having tried to make though something. You never surrendered, will not surrender and now... " Therefore I till now live and, apparently, already I come to the senses gradually...

Lena for DEA
15.08.2004, 19:55
Dear Dea!!! I understand, how to you it is difficult, I too chutne have lost the husband, but he has survived. I ASK you, take myself in arms or hand. In fact solne all as shines, and the life proceeds. You should be engaged in any business, job, a hobby and then ideas gradually will leave.. And you necessarily still learn happiness!!!

17.08.2004, 10:18
I know, that the life proceeds, all goes the course, nothing stops. I even know, that will be still good also a life will be adjusted. But is the most sick than that HE does not see how the sun shines, how are you doing actually it is perfect, though to HIM now, likely, much better, than me.