Просмотр полной версии : Who has such experience, advise please how to forget a pain, insults, razoch...

04.08.2004, 17:34
Who has such experience, advise please how to forget a pain, insults, disappointment and again to start to believe and be pleased??

The anonym
06.08.2004, 06:50
Only in due course.

The anonym
08.08.2004, 19:16
However to heroin or heroine of a drama " the husband has thrown me and married another " hardly it will be possible to isolate malo-malski useful advice or council from a stream obshchefilosofskih (with a market shade) disputes in occasion of psychological motivation of its or her intentions.

09.08.2004, 06:52
With such status to me helps or assists pristutstvie relatives and friends. I try to force to think myself about good and in all to see a positive.
Think of something such, that will consensually force to smile or will warm soul. For certain, is such vospamenanija. I wish good luck, struggle with depressnikom!

The anonym
12.08.2004, 15:03
You simply understand, that this period should be gone through, endured, if it would be desirable to cry - plachte, only do not take a great interest or be not fond zhaleniem sebja-unfortunate. In this world all in balance, now to you is bad, but will be then obligatory well. I speak you with the full responsibility, itself has just got out of a full nightmare after treachery by close people.

The anonym
16.08.2004, 11:20
We zhelejka cries, all I shall manage, all I can, I cannot differently.

17.08.2004, 10:11
Now simply I can not trust, nobody is necessary, I can not concern to men any more and to girlfriends, as earlier.