Просмотр полной версии : ZDRAVSTVUJTE. U MENJA PROBLEMKA. POSOVETUJTE. ja razvelasj s muzem polgoda...

08.08.2004, 00:44
ZDRAVSTVUJTE. U MENJA PROBLEMKA. POSOVETUJTE. ja razvelasj s muzem polgoda nazad, u menja dochenjka 3.5 goda. u nas s nej ocenj teplije otnosenija, papa priezzaet 1 2 raza v mesjac. mesjac nazad menja raziskal muzcina (1 ljubovj), jugoslav. mi vstrecalisj 10 let nazad 3 goda podrjad. on priglasaet menja s docerju v bolgariju, vsjo oplatit. taze istorija u mojej podrugi i jego druga (mi otdihali vcetverom), ja ne znaju, bratj mne s soboj doch (no ocenj hocu s nej) ili net? ne otrazitsja li eto otricatelno na ee psihike? ja ne sobirajusj tam ustraivatj razvrat, vrode on ocenj obsciteljnaja devocka, no... chto dumaete?

08.08.2004, 03:15
You the clear head that has dared vse-taki to go!!!
I understand you, a daughter it would not be desirable to leave one, but there there can be complexities where it or her and with whom to leave, in fact you need to have personal time too. And the grandmother at you is or very close person? I at all do not know, as though itself have acted or arrived. It is a pity to leave houses, she still small absolutely but to take with herself - you to enj will be adhered with arms or hand and legs or foots. I do not think, that you will be reflected in its or her mentality, that with another the man, the main thing to not forget about her, to like and show her the love. And if yours the man can show too tenderness and care she in general will be happy! And you consult to the friend, what he thinks?

08.08.2004, 11:15
spasibo. on, uznav, chto u menja dochka i jej 3.5 let bil tak rad i srazu skazal-prijezzaj s nej, ja vam vsjo oplacu. on klassnij, ja videla jego otnosenije k detjam, on ih bogotvorit. da, ja budu privjazana k nej, no i on, priglasaja nas, znajet ze eto. i tam vsjo prosce, tam v restorani, na disko vse s detjmi, do noci. i docha otdohnet. ja iz teh durnih mam, kotorije o rebenke dumajut naverno boljse, cem o sebe:-) spasibo. ja pocti resilasj. da, a s nami jeso moja podruga pojedet. mi i ranjse otdihali vcetverom. posledneje slovo budet zavtra za moimi roditeljami. u menja mama ocenj boljna. no... nadejusj siljnogo protesta ne budet. mne ze 30..

09.08.2004, 02:50
It is given!!! Cease to doubt, you should go! At you this chance can not be more!!! Take a daughter and forward! You are waited there by the man which is ready to accept you together with the child. You in general wish to be happy or not? Similar you from those who doubts of own correctness. And so - you are simply obliged suit the life and a life of the child. Begin right now!!!

10.08.2004, 14:49
Lara, spasibo tebe ogromnoje, no ja jego ne videla 10 let. eto mnogo. on na 15 let starse. ti predstavljaesh???? 10 let nazad mi bili svobodni, a ja-besproblemnaja veselaja devochka. ja ocenj izmenilasj, on naverno toze... dumaju, on daze zenilsja, deti. .on ocenj simpoticnij, u nego horosij biznes, no on musuljmanin!!! eto NO. .ja daze ne znaju, ja obschalasj s nim lish poslednij mesjac i po telefonu, raz 5. i vsjo... ja o nem nicego ne uznala: - (

The anonym
12.08.2004, 06:09
Yes certainly, it can confuse the normal woman. But why to try or taste? You Know, you should be assured that you want it or this. e. To him now 45 probably. Men at this age vary are yes, but not in the inferior party or side. You understand, if he was the decent or considerable person hardly could become the villain. And then, good sea tour together with a daughter - same it is perfect. Yes plus to everything, you there are ready to accept! Let he though 10 times is married, the friendship - such too is concept. She can turn to love but if it or this will not occur or happen, will be prjatnye memoirs. In other words, it is necessary to try to arrange the life.

12.08.2004, 15:35
It is given, the previous report was too from me:-)

13.08.2004, 15:23
Lara, spasibo tebe:-) i ja takogo ze mnenija. net, on dejstviteljno porjadocnij celovek. i ja uverena, vsjo budet super. prosto nemnogo moraljno kak-to davit, ne privikla denjgi bratj:-) no. .ja dumaju, on ustroit nam prazdnik, kak i vse te godi:-0, da, moj otec vedj s nim toze bil znakom... on horosij celovek, eto ne vopros... no 10 let... da i ja ne postrojnela posle rodov, hotj i ne uscherbnaja kakaja. .da ladno, cego dumatj, jesli nicego ne sorvetsja i vsjo uspejetsja, naverno eto kakoj-to znak ili podarok svishe. budu probovatj:-) no objazateljno s dochuroj:-) spasibo..

14.08.2004, 05:08
You simply clear head! Be not afraid! I with you!!!:-)

15.08.2004, 03:52
spasibo:-) udaci tebe toze:-)) ti klassnaja:-)

15.08.2004, 17:11
;-) Thanks you! It is not excluded, as I to you once behind advice or council shall address:-)

16.08.2004, 22:59
mozem i prosto poboltatj:-) pishi " sveta5@inbox. lv ". udaci. do vstreci:-)