Просмотр полной версии : Hello Alexey Evgenevich! My son (12 years) suffers an epilepsy. ned...

14.08.2004, 14:25
Hello Alexey Evgenevich!
My son (12 years) suffers an epilepsy. Recently our attending physician, having looked or seen a calendar of attacks,
(We have executed series additional to her of the appointed or nominated actions, a luminescence fanarikom during an attack, etc.) the most part of attacks not epelepticheskogo character has told or said to us that, and grow out a neurosis based or founded;established on what those of its or his personal experiences and pavors, etc.
Whether it is possible or probable

Bobrov A.E.
14.08.2004, 19:35
Quite probably. At sick of an epilepsy the attacks sometimes externally reminding epileptic attacks, but in essence being t quite often develop. n. Functional attacks. Earlier in such cases wrote about "hysteroepilepsy"