Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the dear Artem Olegovich! At me to you a question which can...

05.08.2004, 04:31
Hello, the dear Artem Olegovich! At me to you a question which can seem simple, but I am already excruciated the fourth day iz-for it or him.. In a new year's eve I have left the young man and now I do not know how to live further. We met 2 years, and here - full nonsense, and ALL... I do not know, how to me it or him to forget, in fact I strongly like it or him, inside any emptiness, nothing would be desirable, all from arms or hand falls... Advise, please, something... And that I am simple it or this I shall not sustain.. (at me and so with mentality of the problem, unfortunate the suicide)..

Tolokonin A.O.
05.08.2004, 13:10
Dear Katrin!
Question far not idle time. The reasons inducing you to run into a similar status have arisen not in the New year's eve, and much earlier! It is necessary to understand all over again the true reasons of attempt of the suicide, the current situation will be solved after that. Would be optimum to spend an internal session. It is possible or probable, if you live in Moscow. If is not present, necessarily address to the psychotherapist there where live!

05.08.2004, 15:33
In it or this too there is a problem.. I am afraid, awfully I AM afraid to address internally to experts. .vot why has written here...

Tolokonin A.O.
08.08.2004, 14:52
What you frightens in internal dialogue? In fact the problem or task of the psychotherapist to help or assist you!

10.08.2004, 02:02
I understand, but all is peer hardly I can overcome myself... In general, I would not tell or say, that I the closed person, but it is other case: ((((

Hazhilina I.I.
13.08.2004, 22:36
Dear Katrin! If be afraid can internally address to me to call (if live in Moscow or area) on t. 8 916 140 74 55 or to write details on e-mail: paira1729@yandex. ru
C pleasure I shall answer your questions.
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