Просмотр полной версии : I married three and a half of a year. All this time was the happiest and schit...

11.08.2004, 13:41
I married three and a half of a year. All this time was the happiest and considered or counted, that my husband - the best, what's happened in my life. Considered or counted until has learned or has found out about other woman (half a year back). I think, that I know the reasons of change: the husband very sociable, charming, close or attentive person, " the gallant gentleman " and so forth He is able to fascinate all - beginning or starting from saleswomen in shops up to my parents - more shortly, the categories of people most "proof" to charms. Women simply thaw after the first conversation with it or him. nesmotrja even that he always with love tells about me, about the children from first marriage (funny is too it is pleasant to women - " he the remarkable husband and the father "). Probably, for three years prielsja sex with the same person, wanted new impressions, the blessing is all opportunities - women, which " not against " and which around it is a lot of by virtue of specificity of job, the free schedule of job, personal a/m, free money.
Thus he values our attitudes or relations. With her there is during the working day, in target and in the evening he us. Even it is strange, that I have learned or have found out about this communication or connection. Whatever one may do, all secret sooner or later becomes obvious.
He never will leave from me because I quite suit it or him as the wife - quiet, liking, careful, well I concern to its or his children from first marriage (this summer strashaja the daughter has moved to live to us).
In its or his attitude or relation to me nothing has changed. He on former is gentle and careful. I know, that for it or him it simply petty intrigue, entertainment, "dilution" of home life to which he is in earnest very much.
But MY GOD, AS to me it is sick!!!!!
I cannot eat, I can not sleep, I can not laugh, when he jokes. It proceeds already half a year, I probably, shall soon go mad.
You, probably, will advise to talk to it or him seriously. I tried, when all have found out. But you understand, I have not found them in bed. I have learned or have found out about all on the some nesostykovkam, to clauses, attributes. And so, he it is simple " has gone to refusal ". I not I and I mare. He bluntly denied the obvious facts. We have simply deadlocked or called.
At me now the obsession "to catch" it or him. I understand, what is it idiocy, that all the same I can not leave from it or him - I like it or him, I never any more shall not meet such person as he, and in the material plan - to leave to me there is no place (an immemorial housing question).
In general, all in my life has gone head over heels though be hung up. Can, what will advise?

sergej and 12912
11.08.2004, 23:30
Dear Natalia to me surrenders that love your and your sensuality go on a life an arm or a hand about ruku-yes he has offended yours chuvstva-but present or true ljubov-this feeling vseproshchenija-and if he is gentle to you on prezhnemu-will help or assist him refuse from dr communications or connections the good psychologist to which you can to recommend to him to address

Bobrov A.E.
13.08.2004, 10:07
Similar, that at you depression. In such status is sober" to the facts to concern difficultly, also mistakes or errors in your interpreting the facts therefore are not excluded. osovoboditsja from this person of feeling fretting mentality it is possible, becoming or beginning more free. But, it, certainly, only words. Practical advice or councils can be different. But all of them will concern or touch necessity of your remission of dependence on the husband.