Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I do not know what to do or make. I like the man, we see seldom. I would want...

06.08.2004, 23:28
Hello! I do not know what to do or make. I like the man, we see seldom. I wish to be near to it or him, probably, I press on it or him, he responds me, that very well, it is not necessary to hurry time. And I cannot constrain myself - I live heart. What to do or make? Help or assist, please.

The anonym
07.08.2004, 07:19
And you will make nothing... Or accept such attitudes or relations - or gradually switch off heart...

08.08.2004, 16:09
If you in itself are assured, wait it is a little, men really do not like, when on them press, such sensation that do or make then all on the contrary. Do not speak with it or him about it or this, force a little porevnovat and, here will see, if likes,
Though it is a little, but will change

09.08.2004, 04:12
As a rule in attitudes or relations one likes and another requires the partner more strongly, than. It just you... Unique advice or council, do not press (I know, to make difficultly), but the pressure you can destroy your attitudes or relations in general. I know on itself if my groom pressed on me in occasion of wedding, I would run away, and so in 1, 5 years of a joint life vse-taki was solved on marriage or spoilage. Wait... If at all in mogotu, search for another which at once will be ready to serious attitudes or relations. By the way, how old are you?

09.08.2004, 10:37
Nothing will change in your attitudes or relations, so all this seems to me, only words, wait a pier still, suffer a little bit though I do not know, but I had a same situation in what good these attitudes or relations have not resulted or brought, at me the patience eventually has terminated.

10.08.2004, 17:25
Knowing by own experience IF the MAN it is enamoured HE the NOSE WILL dig the GROUND. Here again you will make nothing, and Leka the rights in one what to press it is not necessary, but all the same to me kaezhtsja, that if you like, you will not excruciate the partner words " Wait, not time... " So people which do or make doubt... .a if - to the present you like, smetesh all obexes.

11.08.2004, 02:22
" Do not waste time on the person whom to not aspire to spend it or him with you. " () Gabriel Garcia Marquez

12.08.2004, 02:50
Thanks all!!!!!!!
It seems to me, that I am afraid to do or make now any conclusions for myself and, probably, on it or this I search for any negative or positive parties or sides of our mutual relations. Sometimes it is difficult to us to recognize itself unloved! And can at me too the imagination was played..... .ja till now in despair....