Просмотр полной версии : 10 years lived with the husband quite happily. At it or him up to me in general anybody nebylo and...

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19.07.2004, 12:59
10 years lived with the husband quite happily. At it or him up to me in general anybody nebylo and at me experience of dialogue with an opposite floor was limited to kisses. It seemed, that our marriage or spoilage is stable also it for ever, to us was well and cosy together, we were really family. Unfortunately, my further narration is banal - he has fallen in love. Very strongly. Suffered, it was excruciated, I was excruciated together with it or him. It became clear, that as the woman I do not arrange it or him, he is simple before it or this did not suspect, and it j the girl - that in which has been enamoured - simply delirated. As to throw me he could not in any way, was not solved - she has thrown it or him. After that my husband runs into terrible depression, does not eat, does not sleep and so forth, and naturally all this I see and too hardly from coils I do not move down. Very complex or difficult chustvo - and it or him it is madly a pity also to the love and that he suffers so iz-for love to ANOTHER. And I - to a side... Finally I it or him have asked to leave. We lived separately almost 5 months and here he has returned, like having forgotten this girl. However I see, that intimal problems have remained. I see, that he became closed, that I about itself now do not know much. I suspect it or him now on an occasion and without an occasion, but for myself I have understood, that I arrange it or him, if not as the mistress, hotjaby as the person with whom you live in one walls and which does not strain... I try to reconcile to such state of affairs, but certainly I am unfortunate. PEOPLE, whether many such families without mutual love? How you consult? How to not go mad from bezishodnosti?? Really all men not in a status to like only one woman??

19.07.2004, 17:40
As I understand you (Read the previous report). Throw the soap to the address of igor-kio@yandex. ru

20.07.2004, 10:19
And how at us with pride? You have thought of yourself, or and the traitor will regret?

And for Ksy
21.07.2004, 00:08
With pride that's all right. She is. Simply it seems to me what most easier to advise all to break off. This most simple decision and I am not assured, that it correct. In fact very much much connects or binds us with the husband. Already there is an experience of separate residing and neither me, nor to him good he has not brought anything, except for comprehension that is together better. A problem in physical compatibility, but in fact I do not speak, that sex is not present, simply I have ceased to feel the woman UNIQUE and assured of tomorrow. And if to speak about treachery... And the most sacred person sometimes is not free above the feelings and so without grounds to divide the world on black and white I would not become. Me interests - whether so many marriages or spoilage which could not go through change? And how felt by what through it have passed or have taken place and try to adjust attitudes or relations??

ksy - and
22.07.2004, 08:52
Forgive or Excuse, I did not wish you to offend, but... " It became clear, that as the woman I do not arrange it or him, he is simple before it or this did not suspect... " Something did not arrange it or him also he has decided to go on the shortest way - not with you to talk, to not solve intimal problems, and to find other woman... It I also have named treachery. You will regret it or him is and in sledujushchtj time he will think that all and should be - at it or him the intimal life, and its or his wife should regret... If you all have told or said - that he now should blow off and try from you a mote from the last is lovely will not convince that changes and you samaja-most, it any more your job to forgive change, you and so has made more than he deserved that

23.07.2004, 22:12
CHustva in such situation the most disgusting. Though to not get drunk up to chertikov and to not sit down for a rudder. Tam-that decision will come earlier than gasoline will terminate. And vystojat it is necessary. In fact not for yourself you live. Here to think it is necessary.

25.07.2004, 00:16
It seems love and passion to me exists. Sometimes they coincide, and sometimes, unfortunately, are not present. But the passion passes or takes place, and the love remains. It seems to me on first time it is really possible to forgive or excuse, and suddenly it is its or his greatest mistake or error in a life and it or this never to repeat? And further the life will show!!

25.07.2004, 18:37
Igor, I so understand, that at you now the peak of a strain in attitudes or relations and at the wife is another. And here if at it or her already all has passed or has taken place also she would like to adjust attitudes or relations, you could communicate the same as earlier? In fact sklejannaja a cup at all the same, what the whole?

26.07.2004, 01:16
You know, all is very complex or difficult in each concrete family, is direct on Thick, as in family Oblonskih. There was and in my life a similar episode, the truth, without change and leaving or care, but the husband chut-hardly has taken a great interest in the girl who pursued it or him literally. I have read through a great lot of the literature, the maintenance or contents of the given conference, and have come to conclusion, that finally fault of some cooling in our attitudes or relations became sex problems. Nothing was necessary to me, and muzh-the person tactful, patient, was silent, has been was engaged in business and not so paid to these problems my attention. All held in itself. And then all has collected: insults, nervousness, a boring. And here, please, young, is much younger, likes up to umopomrachenija, well how to resist, here and there was an interest. When I have learned or have found out, have not died nearly: family excellent or different, attitudes or relations perfect, is always ready to help or assist, etc. there Was a question: WHAT TO DO or MAKE? And I have understood, what sensitive men are, I have tried to understand and forgive or excuse it or him (hardly it!!!) and to change the attitude or relation to an intimal life. Has re-read everything, that it is necessary to do or make for delight of the husband, began him to give attention in all areas of a life much more, and, know, it became more interesting to me to live, I now know, how much intimal life can be full and beautiful as it is good to be together: to walk before a dream, to caress each other, to speak gentle words. My private life was enriched unknown earlier with paints, and to him became much more comfortable than the house. He already does not aspire anywhere, for a long time has forgotten about that maiden, we experience the second honeymoon. It was difficult to step through feature? Yes! But, if you like the husband and wish to live with it or him and further, reconsider the attitude or relation to a life, especially he spoke you about it or this. Literatures full, sites set. Work above itself, and you will see, how the life and as your spouse will rise is remarkable. In home life it is necessary to study and to not be lazy always. Successes to you and happiness.

And - for And
27.07.2004, 01:56
In your case all is much easier... Your husband "has a little taken a great interest". And mine it is simple with a head has fallen in this feeling and simply did not see anybody the rest around, except for it or her. Both I at all the hypocrite and me you will surprise with nothing, for those 15 years, that we slept or burn together that only we have not tried. The question in that that I is I, and she - ANOTHER. I am assured, that actually I am better than it or her. But if 15 years eat one exotic fruit it can to want other meal - even and zharenoj potatoes

Anna for and
27.07.2004, 04:18
You have now expressed my idea which I wished to state you in occasion of zharenoj potatoes. That is valid, sometimes it would be desirable a chocolate candy (or on the contrary). It is gone through difficultly, but it is possible. Vospros only in one: how now he conducts itself(himself)? What to it or him now occurs or happens? He has understood that nibud? Has estimated or appreciated (silly, certainly, but....)? Or not?

And - Anna
28.07.2004, 17:34
It seems to me, as he has understood for itself(himself), that in this life all is possible or probable, that I - not the fact, that for all life, that at us not such ideal family as it seemed to us. I ask nothing it or him - where was, where will go, etc. and he - to mine not speaks all to me. Probably is afraid of my jealousy and it does not wish to be justified in what?. And I do not ask, because I am afraid to not believe, I am afraid of lie and I do not wish to be to anybody the jailer.

29.07.2004, 21:16
In the morning, I have brought the wife on job and when she left the machine or car have promised all to forget.

Anna - and
30.07.2004, 21:05
Ten years is term. And a trouble that you start to perceive the husband as very close relative with all kinks and disadvantages. Also you start to live past: how so? In fact to us was so well? Time so was - means so still will be!
Only one "but". So will be (can be) if you completely devote yourselves vytaskivaniju it or him from this status. Understand? You should be the cleverest, the wisest, the most acute... Most... Most... Most... And then mad pity to itself... And then the disappointment, that "was worn" with this person so much, it is so much forces on it or him has spent, feelings, emotions, a life, eventually! And whether it is necessary??? Whether you are ready to spend a life for all this, and then, in one perfect day, to understand, what all this was useless???? While he will not understand and, the main thing, will not want to release or let off all and to begin all all over again with you - will occur or happen nothing. If tonushchej it does not wish to be rescueed or saved;salvaged itself - anybody not in a status to help or assist him, unfortunately... And I sincerely admire with you, potmou that that internal job which you have spent with yourselves and in yourselves, deserved rewards.... And she it will be obligatory. And not the fact, that with it or this the man, believe to me.....

And - Anna
01.08.2004, 02:33
Thanks you big for support:)
All bylo-is easier, if I did not like it or him. And I it or him still like and not only as the relative and the close person, but also as the man. I have some for 30 and now without it or him to me bylo-it is especially difficult, more difficultly, than in 20 years when the physical inclination (for my part) was on the tenth place...

Anna - and
02.08.2004, 03:35
The only thing that it is possible to add (unfortunately, I do not know, what is your name), you happy, that you are capable to like. Even is not present, not so. And you happy, that series are the person whom you like. Painfully, that in one vessel (in yours) it is a lot of liquid, and in other (in it or him) - a little. But in fact vessels informed and it is possible or probable when nibud in its or his vessel will appear more liquids???? I simply try kak-to support or maintain that you... And time all so is bad, hotjaby your love - the worthy justification to all (almost), that occurs or happens now... Not to everyone it allowed to like... To you - it is given....

And - and
03.08.2004, 06:39
I very much would like you to support or maintain. Really, in 20 years all was easier, and now we became more adult, more skilled, but also prirosli to the husbands is stronger. And any more always you assort, who near to you: the husband, the lover, the friend, the assistant - all has merged in a single whole. And here he has seen another, he again wanted novelty of feelings, and you series were and always will be, as he considers or counts. But.... You had a separation, in fact he has returned to family, instead of kuda-that still, he lives at home, with you. Perhaps, it also is it or him reshenie-to be always with you, can, making a choice, he has chosen you? But they such self-confident both proud, and your husband does not dare to admit it or this. If it or he had a feeling to another's, is simple so in fact and it will not pass or not take place, time is necessary. And to you I would advise to communicate to the competent psychologist. Alone it is difficult to leave such situation. To me has carried - my schoolmate - the magnificent expert of the business or affairs, she to me has very much helped or assisted, even to take of a firm position, to not lose herself, to realize herself the person and not trepyhat before the husband, and to behave adequately though tears there was a sea, and now sometimes such splashes in emotions that keep... Completely such does not pass or take place, as farewell, and the worm of doubt vse-peerly sits in soul or douche, but here observe of behaviour, the attitude or relation. In fact it is your native person, do not give it or him to anybody, but also do not lose ITSELF. By the way, you speak nothing about children.

04.08.2004, 02:03
The egoism you have destroyed happiness of three people. Would release or let off the husband earlier to the girl whom he on npstojashchemu likes.

04.08.2004, 12:19
I did not hold it or him. He could solve nothing. On yours, I should expel it or him at once? And this girl was very quickly consoled with another if the proof sensation is interesting to you and at me that he was necessary to her just for fun:)

And - Ninel
04.08.2004, 15:38
Ninel, I something has not understood, why our author has shown egoism, not having released or not having let off the husband to another's nahalke and thus also has broken or disturbed happiness of a three? And, what, having lost the husband, she would become happy? Or it was necessary to make way, most to be unfortunate, and these two let coo? Absurd. If the man at once has not left, kolebletsja, means, it is not still lost in its or his mutual relations with the wife. Also it is necessary to help or assist them, instead of hishchnitsam which do not wish anything to build, and snatch on gotovenkoe.

06.08.2004, 02:25
Probably Ninel itself from camp of those who had attitudes or relations with married men and tries on a situation on itself from the point of view of the unfortunate mistress against hard egoistichnoj wives

07.08.2004, 06:33
Yes it is full around of families without mutual love! You that, in a wood live? If children are not present, liked business or affairs is not present - then, konechnog, all turns around of the man. Really you in a life have nothing to borrow or occupy more?

And - Alain
08.08.2004, 21:15
We have a daughter, her of 9 years. We very much like it or her. All this history would simply be born or simply be taken out on " family advice or council " chto-to injure the child. I work, I have friends. If you did not like and did not know happiness of high-grade family probably it is difficult to understand that such to lose feeling of family, trust and a native brachium series: (

09.08.2004, 12:15
Both liked. Also knew. Also has lost. And all the same I live, and it is again happy (well, almost). At me too the daughter, 10 years. Time treats all. And at your husband too all will pass or take place, of unfortunate love die only absolutely not adapted in this life.

And - Alain
09.08.2004, 18:24
Probably after such histories you become more cynical. And so it would not be desirable. Very much it would be desirable to believe people and to see in all only good. Also it is very a pity to lose these pink glasses or spots. Yes, time treats. Yes. Nobody has died. But all the same something has died in me and I do not know while as with these or it;this to consult.