Просмотр полной версии : If I did not sleep so much as now, I for a long time already would go mad. Then...

06.08.2004, 07:00
If I did not sleep so much as now, I for a long time already would go mad. Because only in a dream I get rid of burdensome ideas. Married 2 years. One year ago have moved with the husband to the Far North (2 more years to him to fulfil under the contract remains). Winter 9 in a year, all time for - 30, small settlement (glory bou though arranged well), polar night, otoruju I very badly transfer or carry in sense can sleep for 12 18 hours per day to that on the one hand I am glad - because I am disconnected or am switched-off from problems, with an arch of the party or side - vremja-that past goes... On job I here so to be arranged and could not (such kakja here much - jobless women), there is nothing to borrow or occupy here absolutely - the civilization ANY, is not present relatives friends, only the HUSBAND. And here is how time to the husband on me deeply to spit. I weeks do not hear the imeni-" you, go here, make that ". What is the tender word - has forgotten in general when heard. Usually when I ask to tell or say to me chto-a string tender and pleasant he speaks "battery": (((.. . I you together have never received for 3 years that we pleasures from sex " is guilty that such frigid "... It more likely he cold and insensible.. How much time allowed him to esteem the literature on a subject " how to excite or raise the woman and dovestii it or her up to an orgasm "... Esteems, will tell or say " the stinker wrote what = that, I shall not do or make anything ".. How much time I to him speak that I from it or him I want - a variant 2 - or he on sledushchy ostensibly forgets time and suggests or to explain to him eshshche time, differently he in general will do or make he nothing is simply scoffs: ((or if ostensibly remembers, but speaks that I there today 6 hours back on it or him was inflated for chto-t, therefore now I at it or him desires something for me to do or make I do not cause or I cause.
Agreed many times, that will pay to me attention in full he a minimum of times in a week. Here when he specially izlbretaet any cavils this time you approach or suit to me that I have blown up also he then to me would tell or say " today on me shouted, therefore this week nothing will be "... In a life all is as badly - he nothing helps or assists me, rabtaet the programmer, home comes and again sits at a computer.. All sits vyhodnyei holidays... Has reached up to tako degrees that razoret gotove in mikrovolnovke cannot, that substitutes legs or foots and gvorit " dress to me socks " and then " remove or take off to me socks "... At my refusal pouts and potm again refuses to me in sex... I not ozabochnnaja. You simply would get here, VA the m would need to be had though one pleasure in a life... He does not want the child.. More correctly, wants in words and as the opportunity approaches or suits, he it is simple with me does not sleep, speaks " that you badly conducted yourself, child any to you ".. . Speaks " if I do not arrange you, can get or start to myself the lover but as soon as I learn or find out, that you have got or started it or him, I shall throw out from the house you at once, the first flight ", " not nravitsja-get divorced ".... I tried to suffer or bear it or him prdirki and mockeries that it or he did not have an occasion to me to refuse owing to " my bad behaviour "... Then he simply turns away to a wall and is disconnected or switched-off... What, I dejstvtelno so ask much???!!! WHAT to me to do or make? Really only one output or exit - divorce?

07.08.2004, 19:21
What for for such chudika has in marriage gone? Udivitklnyj people these girls! And he can gets tired at job?

09.08.2004, 03:42
And then to leave for edges or territories is warmer, to study, work, take destiny for horns, and never to not dare to go bad any more near to the person which and koshku-that to have nedostoin. At me the variant was much better, my civil husband behaved quite decently, but me, as well as you, there was no heat, physical and emotional contact. By the way, about " badly itself conducted " very similar!
Has missed, in a year has married for such gentle and tender, that the last problems and in a dream I do not recollect!
I work, on the sly I do or make career, to the child 2 years - and then sat, without job, without prospects, erased its or his socks and njuni dismissed, hardly has not gone mad at all.
Cheer up and do not spend a life all for nothing, gde-that goes your unique and you grieve on you, and with it or this... In the north zasela.

09.08.2004, 11:45
Hot iron to him on a muzzle - and on continent:-))

09.08.2004, 21:37
So, the global shake-up here is necessary!!! Simply sex blackmail any! To throw immediately, even not what really to leave, and that brains at it or him on a place have risen. And that absolutely the muzhik was deeply moved.

The anonym
10.08.2004, 22:36
Yes, you too with it or him sentimentalize, and he and was dismissed. Probably, he has imagined, that you its or his property, to anybody except for it or him are not interesting and anywhere from it or him will not get to, so it is fast also legs or foots will start to wipe. Send it or him to a stub! Are guilty. What for suppose samounichizhenie before it or him: "... I tried to suffer or bear it or him prdirki and mockeries that it or he did not have an occasion to me to refuse owing to " my bad behaviour "." Your wonderful unique life is given not that easier or simply it or him to humour, and your humility and feeling of uncertainty in near to it or him inflames in itself feeling of the property and desire with you to manipulate, as he uses only that you with it or him together in the north and to you nobody to keep more. By the way, its or his such behaviour testifies to its or his own complexes: he samoutverzhdaetsja near to you such here in the image because cannot samoutverzhdatsja in other more worthy image gde-that still.

11.08.2004, 10:26
Do not take in head while to get or start from it or him the child. You would like the child because it is necessary though as that yourself to realize. But you will get in greater or big dependence on it or him and in the moral and material plan and from it or this he will not be better to concern. Can suffer and the child, having remained without the father and its or his attention and care. It is necessary to realize itself in the beginning as the woman that he has understood, that he can lose. Then will start to respect not only. Try to find job or to go to study (if there is no opportunity to make it there) can return is better to you, and in holiday or a vacation to go to it or him;them. It is possible to go on courses or simply to learn or teach foreign tongue, to change appearance, to bring vnoshestva in preparation of a supper, etc., but the most important to know to itself the price and try to arrange less than scandals they nepomogut.