Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me 51 year. I am am disturbed with a following problem, namely in p...

07.08.2004, 22:21
Hello. To me 51 year. I am am disturbed with a following problem, namely recently at night I began to shout and in general the dream became sensitive, restless. Any stresses was not, it can is connected with a climacterium. Prompt pozhalujsto that is possible poprinimat in my situation. In advance thanks.

Pronin D.A.
11.08.2004, 08:04
"poprinimat" it is possible since calming or abirritating grassy collectings (which assortment is very wide in a chemist's network) up to homeopathic preparations: Klimakt-Hel, Klimaktoplan, Klimaksan, Klimadinon (reception, certainly, something of one). It that it is possible to accept independently. In case of neeffektivnosti - address internally.